There is (or should be!) a green "+" icon saying add new column or
something similar.
On 21 February 2013 15:09, vamsi goli <golivamsi84(a)> wrote:
Hello Mike,
It is nice to see you respond as I was googling for answers on this I
found few presentations which you gave on this topic. Sure I will try to
leave feedback.
So now as you said horizontal layouts are supported, how can I get a
column on the left (in the place of Description) as I see in the horizontal
layout example?
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis(a)>wrote:
> Hello,
> Both XLS and Guvn'rs web-guided decision tables only support horizontal
> layouts. Vertical remains on our to do list.
> If the training material originated from the presentations I've done on
> decision tables then the intent was just to illustrate different layouts,
> but not what is necessarily available at the moment.
> If your RedHat training material is misleading please feed-back to
> (presumably) your RedHat sales representative so that it can be made
> clearer.
> With kind regards,
> Mike
> On 20 February 2013 20:02, vamsi goli <golivamsi84(a)> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We are trying to incorporate Drools to our architecture and make sure
>> all rules are separated from our current code base. So I am totally new and
>> I am working on creating a decision table using the Guvnor Web guided
>> editor.
>> So my question: I am trying to create a decision table with vertical
>> layout, I cannot find anywhere in the documentation on how to do it, Our
>> company has given us some training documentation from redhat which has
>> sample examples of different decision table layouts but I am unable to find
>> a way of doing that way.
>> Please help.
>> thanks
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