I wanted to circle back before this thread gets too far off the original
topic and folks searching in the future don't get confused. I am still
confused between the 'or' and '||' as explained here and in the
documentation. I will attempt to review this in more detail. In the
meantime, I have simplified my rules per the above comments and am able to
run them with about 10M facts in under 3 hours. The system required more
than 40GB of RAM. I am chunking the data and running multiple threads. I
will look to reduce the overhead where possible as I am certain their are
further improvements that can be made. Once I complete out my refactoring
and reviews, I'll circle back again. Needless to say, things have moved in
a very positive direction. I am not sure what memory expectations I should
have so I'll take a complete run in this timeframe without errors as a win.
Thank you, Wolgang and Mark. You guys have been fantastic!
On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:13 AM, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
On 25 Feb 2013, at 06:46, Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On 24/02/2013, Mark Proctor <mproctor(a)codehaus.org> wrote:
>>> when
>>> $sv1 : SiteVisit( yearRecorded == durationCycleYear, !annualVisit
>>> FaultCode( $sv1.ID==svID, code matches "366.\\d+|743.3\\d?"
>>> $inspector: Insepector (ID == $sv1.insepectortID)
>>> $sv2 : SitVisit( yearRecorded == durationCycleYear, !annualVisit )
>>> #make sure we are dealing with the same inspector
>>> Inspector (ID == $sv2.inspectorID, EUID == $inspector.EUID)
>>> ( FaultCode( $sv2.ID == svID, code matches "45.61" ) or
>>> ServiceCode($sv2.ID == svID, code matches
>>> "66(8[4-9][0-9]|9([0-3][0-9]|40))|66982|66984|66983" ) )
>> same here
>> Are you sure you want 'or' and not ||.
> Mark, how would you suggest to avoid 'or' and use '||' (and I
> mean the deprecated alternative to 'or')? You are beginning to confuse
> (even) me!
Many people do not want CE 'or' they want infix '||' used in compound
expressions. I later clarified the difference in the follow up email.
> -W
>> The 'or' CE can result in two rules
>> firing, if they are not mutually exclusive logical conditions.
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