For your problem of different instances of a map : If you want to match
2 maps, and compare them, your have to set a placeholder in your DSL to
set the variable's name
[when]The property {} of the map *{mapVar}* is
{value}=*{mapVar} *: Map((this["{key}"] == "{value}"))
**And another DSL phrase to check that instances are different
[when]The map *{mapVar1}* is not map *{mapVar2}*=*eval ({mapVar1}*["id"]
!= *{mapVar2}*["id"]))*
But it will force your users to handle variables. I can't see simpler
way for doing that with DSL.
You may consider completely another way. If your property lists are
constant (and they are because you can create static enums), you can
write a simple program to generate the corresponding POJOs (which
contains the map inside them and use it in set/get methods for
corresponding key) and create a jar with them.
Each POJO will then have its fields listed automatically in Guided
Editor, which will prevent you for writing complex DSL and enums, and
provide a good way for users to edit rules. For instance, you can bind
an object to a variable only if you need it (with DSL you are forced to
bind a variable at each time you use the phrase), and you can use other
operator (not only equals) without writing a new DSL phrase.
I did not understand this question :
I have to put my rules in 4 drl files separate (i know which rules go
in which drl file), is the only way to create a different package for
each drl file i want? And to put the Enum and DSL part in Global if i
have to use it for the 4 files? If i want a precise name for my drl
file, i have to give this exact name to the package?
But yes, a DSL (and enums) is
specific to its package.