I have some experience with drools 5 and now experimenting on planner &
drools 6.
I have 'unsolved' PlanningSolution that could be given to a solver and it
successfully solves it. (its just the curriculum example with few more
variables like teachingAssistant, equipment etc)
I need to know few things about this unsolved solution.
1) I want to know the score of this unsolved before starting to solve it.
can I do this without instantiating my own drools session with my score
holder and execute the rules for score? i.e only using optaplanner-api and
not depend on underlying rules engine used by planner.
2) I also want to have some information on what all rules got fired in
calculation of score (the negative ones). to print the conflicting planning
entities & their variables. I could put a message from each rule to some
object in workingMem. but how can I get those objects back after the solver
is done but didnt have a feasible solution/ or even for any given solution.
or is there any better way?
Sandeep Bandela.