Concerning line 7: You can prefix the empty pattern to another pattern:
taskTemplates : TaskTemplates( ) RuleSet( r... )
Lines 9, 10, 11: You can't write this using the "pattern/constraint
approach", it's Java statements. See the documentation.
On 12/05/2014, crosbis2 <drpatrick.cosmo(a)> wrote:
I have a rule i created in Guvnor which works fine (see below)
But i can not create and import the same rule from a decision table. I can
not get the syntax to match when i upload the xls and view source.
Everything below "when" i have as a Condition
Everything below "then" is an Action
Line 7: will not import. How do you create empty brackets in excel?
Line 9: how do i write this using the pattern / constraint approach in
excel? same with
Line 11 and 12?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. | rule "DecisionA_OptionsAndFutures"
2. | salience 0
3. | dialect "mvel"
4. | when
5. | SCOProduct( productBookingPointId == 1 , productTypeId in ( 4,
5, 20 ) )
6. | RuleSet( ruleSetName == "SCODecisionPointA" )
7. | taskTemplates : TaskTemplates( )
8. | then
9. | TaskTemplate TaskTemplate1 = new TaskTemplate();
10. | TaskTemplate1.setId( 12038 );
11. | insert( TaskTemplate1 );
12. | taskTemplates.addTaskTemplateIfNew( TaskTemplate1 );
13. | end
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