You want to change the JPA entities themselves? Do you still have a
reference to them? Simply changing them would probably work (or what is
it you are trying to do)? Or you could look them up using the
getVariable() method. In theory you could also use the setVariable()
method but that is not in the public API as you shouldn't be changing
variables in the middle of execution.
Quoting Vijay K Pandey <VPandey(a)>:
In Drools Flow (5.1) , if for a work item "Wait For Completion" is
true - what is the best way of updating the variables (JPA entities)
configured through the Variable Persistence strategy - from a session
(loaded through JPAKnowledgeService) while the work item is in the
"Pending" state. These variables (JPA entities) were passed to the
"startProcess" method of the session (StatefulKnowledgeSession) when
the process was earlier started.