I am a new user of Jboss Rules.I was trying to run a sample application where inside
"WHEN" i was trying to compare two dynamic values.But the right hand side of
that condition check is not getting evaluated.
Here is the drl code
rule "Need FS for LC"
m : Quotation( usertype == "LC" , amount > Quotation.LCLLT2 , amount <
Quotation.LCHLT2 )
//System.out.println("WITHIN RANGE" );
m.setMessage( " Hi "+ m.getVendorname() +", U have requested an order for
rs " + m.getAmount() + " as ur LC group, so financial status required");
Quotation.LCLLT2 value i was trying to get from database . But this value is not getting
evaluated here.
Please anyone can help me out .
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