that is interesting:
<drools:work-item-handler name="handlername" ref="handlerid"
I already implemented it via simple <util:map>, and have a team of ~ 50
developers already using it for the last three months ( did not know it was
coming with namespace support ). Although as I think about it, since we have
processes and sub-processes, I would rather keep workitem handlers process
oriented rather than session oriented. Two reasons:
1. "Workitem" is a process oriented entity
2. Sub-Process configuration can be de-coupled, and hence painlessly
modified / reused
But all the namespace additions are truly a great addition to the Drools
I have a question about this new approach though:
>> Using JPAKnowledgeServiceBean, anytime I needed to create a
Session, I could:
StatefulKnowledgeSession knowledgeSession =
>> Using JPAKnowledgeServiceBean, anytime I needed to reload a
Session, I could:
knowledgeSession =
knowledgeProvider.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession( sessionId );
I always have one Session to one Business Process mapping ( there are
multiple reasons for that outside of the scope of this question ).
What is the new way you have in mind? [ I have ideas, I just want to make
sure I don't double work you again ]
Thank you Mark,
P.S. All Sessions / Processes + RuleGroupsFlowsAgendas... are persistent [
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