The entryPoint and obs aren't null. I'm sorry, where do you see the error?
2012/7/24 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun(a)>
Well, then it's a bug in your code. Do we all agree on this now?
On 24/07/2012, Carolina Pellecchia <carolina.pellecchia(a)> wrote:
>>>If there is an insert() call in
>>> in line 156 then *this* is
>>>where the insert occurs, not the insert() in the rule.
> is our class and the source code
> this:
> 153. *public* *void* insertObservation(String entryPoint,
> Observation obs) {
> 154. *try* {
> 155. *if*(entryPoints.containsKey(entryPoint)) {
> 156. entryPoints.get(entryPoint).insert(obs);
> 157.
> 158. ksession.fireAllRules();
> 159. }
> 160. }
> 161. *catch* (Exception e) {
> 162. logger.error(e, e);
> 163. }
> 164. }
>>>Where is org.tass.utils coming from?
> Where is org.tass.utils coming from? it is our class.
>>>It's still a mystery to me how it's possible to have a stack trace
>>>element from line 48 - there's no code in this
> I agree, at the line 48 there isn't code. It would seem that "Drools
> final" has different binary and source code.
>>>There is another mystery : why this is working when getting rules from a
> DRL file and not from Guvnor ...
>>>Did you add the POJO model into the Guvnor's package ?
> Yes, I did.
>>>But if this is it, package compilation should raise a compilation error
> ...
> The package compilation is ok.
>>>What is sure is that the problem does not comes from the rules, as the
> stack trace shows an "insert" call outside the rules, otherwise there
> be a >>reteoo...ConsequenceInvocator (something like that) before ..
> yes, It is sure
>>>And a last question : is "org.tass.utils.ExpertSystemManager" a
> from you, or does it take place into another third-party framework (that
> could use a >>different or modified version of drools).
> is our class. We aren't using
> third-party
> framework.
> Thank you
> Carolina
> 2012/7/23 Vincent LEGENDRE <vincent.legendre(a)>
>> There is another mystery : why this is working when getting rules from a
>> DRL file and not from Guvnor ...
>> Did you add the POJO model into the Guvnor's package ?
>> But if this is it, package compilation should raise a compilation error
>> ...
>> What is sure is that the problem does not comes from the rules, as the
>> stack trace shows an "insert" call outside the rules, otherwise there
>> would
>> be a reteoo...ConsequenceInvocator (something like that) before ..
>> And a last question : is "org.tass.utils.ExpertSystemManager" a class
>> from
>> you, or does it take place into another third-party framework (that
>> use a different or modified version of drools).
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