MVEL compiles the string to it's own evaluation tree, it then
"evaluates" that tree at runtime so simulate runtime code. We do a
further optimisation for performance where after MVEL executes a
statement so many times, we'll JIT it to bytecode to get improved
execution performance.
On 26/03/2012 20:04, Mike Melton wrote:
My team is using Drools on a government project. As is usually the
case with government projects, the security folks have their hands in
every aspect of the project. They have big questions on MVEL, but I'm
going to try to boil them down to one simple question:
At what stage(s) of Drools's lifecycle does MVEL interpretation occur?
I think that the compilation engine interprets the MVEL at compile
time and converts it to generated Java code, though I don't know
enough about the internals of the engine to say for sure. Stated
another way, does Drools interpret rules written using the MVEL
dialect at runtime?
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