The fact types/classes are declarative. Look in the model definition in
When you come to use your own classes you will need to upload the JAR to
Guvnor as a new JAR model and also include in your client classpath. Models
uploaded to Guvnor only serve to drive the UI and are not included in the
"rule package" the change set downloads from Guvnor.
This will make mire sense when you get to that stage, but please feel free
to drop by when you get there.
sent on the move
On 13 Sep 2012 20:53, "richard" <rx74me(a)> wrote:
I am able to get a list of the rules from the mortgage in the
database, but
how do I set up the java when I fire the rules, to get them to execute the
underage rule?
Viewing source for: Underage
1. | rule "Underage"
2. | salience 10
3. | dialect "mvel"
4. | when
5. | application : LoanApplication( )
6. | Applicant( age < "21" )
7. | then
8. | application.setApproved( false );
9. | application.setExplanation( "Underage" );
10. | retract( application );
11. | end
I assume I need an application class and Applicant class, but where does
LoanApplicatiion come from.
I do not see it anywhere in the examples in the docs?
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