I have data from a text file (consists of 2 columns : A and B with data respectively)which
is read and stored into a Vector <Objects>.
I have multiple input files with 2 columns of data so used Vector<Objects>.
This collection of data is loaded to my rule runner which loads data in the rulebase and
fires rules on that data.
1. how do I upload the modified data output into another text file? Should I reload it
in a vector?
But whenever rule is fired and data is modified how can I store the modified data in
another file? Because my input and output has different columns.
1. is using a vector a bad way?? Could I do it in any other better way?
2. how can I identify what my A and B columns are- to load the specific rule only?? As
of now I am just reading its name and storing it.
Could I do it in a better way???
Please help!!
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