Just a comment:
"There is no operator overloading in java, so the "<" operator must act
on a
numerical primitive. (int, double, etc.) "
This is not true. Comparison operators will work on any "comparable"
type. So if Quantity implements Comparable interface, it must work.
Otherwise it is a bug.
Although, remember that Drools always makes type coercion from the right
to the left value, so, for that to actually work:
Person( height < $2m )
"height" must be comparable to $2m.
2009/2/26 Greg Barton <greg_barton(a)yahoo.com>
The problem is the "Person( height < $2m )" part. There
is no operator
overloading in java, so the "<" operator must act on a numerical primitive.
(int, double, etc.) $2m is a Quantity. As for why this doesn't error out,
I'm not sure, but it certainly won't execute. (Unless mvel has some
capabilities I'm not aware of.)
Person( height < $2m.height )
...as long as Person.height and Quantity.height are both numerical types.
If you want to specifically call compareTo() you should use an eval block:
$meter:UoM( ) from UoMs.get("length","m")
$2m:Quantity() from Quantities.get(2,$meter)
$p: Person()
However, even if this works, I hope you're not going to be putting too much
data through rules like this. The way it's currently constructed it
completely circumvents all of drools' indexing ability. :) The power of
rules comes from tracking the changes in a set of objects, and firing rules
based on only the changes observed. (That set is the working memory.) The
"from" keyword allows you to have rules that draw objects from outside
working memory, but you pay for that convenience: the cost is not being able
to track changes. As a result, objects gathered using "from" must be
reconsidered even if they haven't changed (i.e. every time the condition is
encountered) because drools has no way of knowing if they've changed or not.
So, after this long winded spiel, here's my suggestion: get the rule(s) to
work using "from" but also try inserting the Quantity object in working
memory. If you're processing enough data with the rules you will notice a
--- On Thu, 2/26/09, David Boaz <davidb(a)dbmotion.com> wrote:
> From: David Boaz <davidb(a)dbmotion.com>
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Creating objects in WHEN clause
> To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
> Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 9:13 AM
> Thanks for your all help.
> with your help, my rule looks now as:
> WHEN $meter:UoM( ) from
> UoMs.get("length","m")
> $2m:Quantity() from Quantities.get(2,$meter)
> Person( height < $2m )
> My Quantity class implements Comparable interface. When
> running the rule on
> a good dataset (where I expect the rule to fire), the rule
> fails with no
> error. in addition, the compareTo(Object o) method is not
> called (the
> debugger doesn't stop in this method).
> Can you please help?
> Thanks, David
rules-users mailing list
Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
JBoss, a division of Red Hat @