On 19/07/2011 14:17, Vincent Legendre wrote:
> AFAIK, there never was any logic for restricting updates of the
> structures according to individual field-oriented change notifications.
As far I remember, JRules does.
JRules does not do "slot specific". Jess
does and Clips will if you use
it's COOL OO extensions, i.e. it works on Clips objects, it does not
work on deftemplates. The reason is that Clips represents each "slot" in
COOL as a triple, so every field is it's own object.
And it could be great to add/restore this possibility in drools (is
there a JIRA somewhere where we can vote?).
For Marc's question, I think there could be a confusion between a
production/inference system like drools, and something that looks like a
database trigger. And yes, if you really want to detect fields changes
individually, fields must be inserted as individual objects in the WM.
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