Hi all,
Is there a way using the 'from' constraint to get the values of a map(the
implementations of java.lang.Map eg HashMap, TreeMap, etc) into a constraint parameter,
and if so can someone please give an example. Below is the way I've been trying,
without success, to get a value based on a key.
import my.package.MyFact
import java.util.Map.Entry
rule "Find with map"
$fact : MyFact($paramMap : paramMap)
$myValue : Entry(key == "mykey1") from
// Sudo code...
<use $myValue.getValue()>
Paul Ryan
Software Architect
Product Engineering
InfoTrust Group, Inc.
500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 200
Superior, CO 80027
Office (303) 627-6528
Fax (303) 666-6711
Email pryan@infotrustgroup.com<mailto:pryan@infotrustgroup.com>
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