You are right.
Do you think that is a bug? Or is there a hack to solve this?
2013/11/4 Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam(a)>
On 04-11-13 13:10, Juan Ignacio Barisich wrote:
Geoffrey, thanks for response.
The the Customer "toRemove" instance IS the same instance as which is in
the workingSolution's Customer list. In fact, in the test example I have
attached, I get that instance via:
final Customer toRemove = workingSolution.getCustomerList().get(0);
Ok, then that's not the problem indeed.
I try to reproduce the hack in CloudBalancing's problemFactChange
implementation, but with no success. I mean, I tried:
// to clean the next variable of previous in the chain
Standstill prev = toRemove.getPreviousStandstill();
but this throw an exception like:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The entity (1(after 66)) has a variable
(previousStandstill) with value (66(after 51)) which has a mappedBy
variable (nextCustomer) with a value (null) which is not that entity.
Ah, that explains it.
Although you remove the customer instance toRemove,
one of the other customers still has it as previousStandstill
and/or one of the other customers still has it as nextStandstill.
Also, i try to clean the previous variable of the following item in the
// to clean the previous variable of the following customer in the chain
Customer nextCustomer = toRemove.getNextCustomer();
if (nextCustomer != null) {
but this throw an exception like:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The ScoreDirector (class
is corrupted, because the entity (10(after null)) for chained
planningVariable (previousStandstill) cannot be retracted: it was never
Can you take a look to the test I have attached and guide me to solve
Thanks a lot.
2013/11/4 Geoffrey De Smet <ge0ffrey.spam(a)>
> On 01-11-13 19:38, Juan Ignacio Barisich wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I am using optaplanner in real-time style. My application domain is
> similar to the "Vehicle Routing" example (
> I mean, I am using chained variables and shadow variables. I have a problem
> while trying to remove a fact (an entity), via a ProblemFactChange:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The entity instance (...) was never
> added to this ScoreDirector. Usually the cause is that that specific
> instance was not in your Solution's entities.
> The fact removing that I made is like:
> solver.addProblemFactChange(new ProblemFactChange() {
> @Override
> public void doChange(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
> ...
> scoreDirector.beforeEntityRemoved(toRemove);
> workingSolution.getCustomerList().remove(toRemove);
> the remove() method will make no difference because the Customer
> "toRemove" instance
> is not the same instance as which is in the workingSolution's Customer
> list.
> See the CloudBalancing's PRoblemFactChange implementation how to solve
> this.
> And one of the warnings in the Real-time planning section of the docs to
> understand it better:)
> scoreDirector.afterEntityRemoved(toRemove);
> }
> });
> I think the problem is there. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
> I have attached a test case based on the "Vehicle Routing". To run it,
> just put that file into the
> directory.
> <>I'd
> appreciate any ideas on how to resolve this.
> Best regards,
> Juan Ignacio Barisich
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