Dear all,
I've to questions concerning the marshalling and unmarshalling of
First, is there any detailed documentation on the
ObjectMarshallingStrategy interface? I am quite confused about the
purpose of the write and read methods in the interface. In my
implementation they are never called. Are they deprecated or under which
circumstances are they called by the implementation?
My second question is about the relationship of the KieSession, KieBase
and the KieContainer in case of marshalling/unmarshalling. Assume that I
create a KieSession based on a KieBase that is created from a
KieContainer based on a release X. When marshalling this session, is
there any information marshalled about which release this session is
based upon? I am asking since when I unmarshall the session I want to
ensure to initialize the unmarshaller based on a KieBase with the same
release X as the marshalled version of the session. Do I have to store
this information out of band or what's the recommended way to implement