One thing I've noticed is that
not (exists (EPackage( ) ) )
is a roundabout (and possibly inefficient) way of saying
not (EPackage( ... ) )
It's difficult (for me) to deduce what should happen in the rules as
the description of the
fact data isn't clear enough (for me).
2010/5/5 Antonio Neto <antoniosouzaneto(a)>:
Any idea? Please...
2010/5/4 Antonio Neto <antoniosouzaneto(a)>
> Hi all,
> I don't know exactly why I have a problem in my "exists" function.
> tried many different ways, but it does not work. Anybody could help me,
> please?
> I have the following rules:
> rule "diff"
> when
> $var1: EReference(name == "employee")
> $var2: EClass(name == "Company", EAllReferences contains $var1)
> not (exists( EPackage(EClassifiers contains $var2 ) ))
> then
> insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence("diff", 10));
> end
> rule "ClassesNotReferenced"
> when
> $q1 : EClass();
> $q2 : EPackage(EClassifiers contains $q1);
> not( exists ( EReference(EType == $q1) ));
> then
> insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence("ClassesNotReferenced",
> 1, $q1));
> end
> and in my facts (and my EPackage) I have 4 instances of EClass "Company"
> with a EReference "employee", and another EClass "Person". I
still have a
> "move" that removes EClasses in my Drools Solver.
> I need to have only one classe "Company" after processing. But it removes
> only the EClass "Person", when it was supposed to remove one EClass
> and 3 ECLasses "Company". Leaving one EClass "Company" in the
> The problem is: when Drools tries to remove a EClass "Person" it thinks
> that the EClass "Company" does not exists. But in fact there are 3
> Any clue about it, please ?
> Thanks
> Bests regards
> Antonio
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