If I understand your question correctly, you'd like to use variable
values in the after[] operator parameters.
Unfortunately, temporal operators can only work with literal bounds. The
reason is that the values - 0,10s in this case -
are used by a constraint propagation algorithm to infer the automatic
expiration times for no longer
needed events. This algorithm is run at compile time - it's too
expensive to do so at runtime - and it would not be
possible to do so if the values were not known at compile time.
Do you just need a variable temporal constraint, or do you also need
(automatic) event retraction?
There could be many options then, depending on your specific requirements
On 03/13/2013 05:04 AM, Wolfgang Laun wrote:
On 12/03/2013, rule_dev <talal_kamar(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I was wondering if it is possible to write a rule in such a way that you
> are
> able to set the 'this after' for events using an attribute from a class.
> rule "correlate orders"
> when
> $bo : BuyOrderEvent( $id : id )
> $ae : AckEvent( id == $id, this after[0,10s] $bo )
> then
> // do something
> end
> in the above rule template I would like to set the "this after [0,10]"
This is one operand plus one operator, which will be difficult to
replace by data. Can you describe your problem in terms of data types
and operations (and not by "textual replacement")?
> using a custom value from say a date attribute of the BuyOrderEvent class.
> Thanks for your time.
> --
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