On 30/12/2010 17:55, Gregory Mace wrote:
I've tried to build plugin from OSGI bundles ( downloaded from here:
http://www.jboss.org/drools/downloads.html) and use code from
SimpleOsgiTest.java, but my bundle context always returns null for the
serviceReference. Is there a good step-by-step for how to do this?
Not really,
it's still a "work in progress". Drools trunk has further
OSGi classloader improvements as we learn new things. The only real
guide is the SpringDM based unit test that is there, but looks like you
are following that too.
Nearly every case we've had where people have had problems was because
they didn't have the right dependnecies. OSGi is very strict and when
not setup properly it's almost impossible debug, not for the faint hearted.
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