On 25/09/2012, thano <asimoon(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I am struggling to understand the concept of patterns. I have the following
code which I would like as a generic threshold pattern. I have been told
that it is not a pattern- thanks
Apart from some syntactic errors it looks like a pattern but as I
don't know what it should achieve, it's difficult to tell.
Should the rule fire for each RequestCreatedEvent where request
exceeds the 10 days' average? What's the purpose of limiting this to
60s? Simply checking each new RequestCreatedElement (right when it is
entered into the system) would do the trick.
rule “DD”
# calculate the average requests made over 10 days
$service: Service( )
Number ( $ averageRequest : doubleValue )
from accumulate
( RequestCompletedEvent (fromService = = $service,
$request : request ) over window : time (10d)
from entry-point RequestStream,
average ( $request) )
# check if the requests made in the last 60 seconds are higher than
then the threshold value
$r : RequestCreatedEvent ( fromService = = $service,
Request > $averageRequest over
Window : time (60s)
from entry-point RequestStream
# do something
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