Q1 : How can Drools runtime (Knowledge builder / base) gets/collects
*.brl, .drl files from Guvnor (using REST api, ....) ?
It should be possible to use KnowledgeBuilder with URL resources to
retrieve *source* from Guvnor's REST API. Many Guvnor assets are stored in
an internal format (BRL, GDST, SCENARIO) that are not understood by Drools
Expert. Retrieving the source will return DRL for the assets, which of
course is understood by Drools Expert.
Q2 : How can drools runtime being informed that rules have been
in Guvnor Repo ?
This might prove useful:
Q4 : Is it a good practice to access Guvnor from Drools runtime or
to export from Guvnor a package and import it in Drools runtime (Can we
import guvnor package in Drools runtime) ?
Drools Expert can load Guvnor's "packages" (which are just a compiled and
serialized KnowledgeBase). The benefit of using this over source DRL is
that it has been pro-compiled.
The "package" can be either exported from Guvnor or retrieved with REST or
a KnowledgeAgent and changesets.
With kind regards,
On 12 February 2013 10:12, Charles Moulliard <cmoulliard(a)redhat.com> wrote:
I have different questions concerning drools & guvnor.
Q1 : How can Drools runtime (Knowledge builder / base) gets/collects
*.brl, .drl files from Guvnor (using REST api, ....) ?
Q2 : How can drools runtime being informed that rules have been modified
in Guvnor Repo ?
Q2 : Is there a document describing best practices to setup knowledge base
(how many rules / base, ...) and sessions to be created ?
Q3 : Is it a good practice to access Guvnor from Drools runtime or better
to export from Guvnor a package and import it in Drools runtime (Can we
import guvnor package in Drools runtime) ?
Ir. Charles Moulliard
Sr. Enterprise Architect / Apache Committer | RedHat, Inc
FuseSource is now part of Red Hat
cmoullia(a)redhat.com | mobile: +32 473 604 014 | RedHat.com<http://www.redhat.com>
skype: cmoulliard | twitter: @cmoulliard
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