According to the documentation, updating a process means to add a new
version of the process with a different id:
"Actually, you cannot really update a process, you can only deploy a new
version of the process, the old process will still exist. That is because
existing process instances might still need that process definition. So the
new process should have a different id, though the name could be the same,
and you can use the version parameter to show when a process is updated (the
version parameter is just a String and is not validated by the process
framework itself, so you can select your own format for specifying
minor/major updates, etc.)."
Best Regards,
Esteban Aliverti
- Developer @
- Blog @
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 1:33 PM, anton.litvinenko <
anton.litvinenko(a)> wrote:
update the process definition in Guvnor (and build new package)
then process continues with the new definition (I've added simple Action
node with system out and change string that is written to system out).
I tried to use version parameter in process definition to distinguish
between old and new definitions, but it doesn't make any difference.
Could someone please comment on that?