I have been using 5.1 for some time and am looking to upgrade.
I have found that, where in 5.1, I used to be able to write
$jd: JobDetails(
!($t contains getJobType(businessArea, templateJobId) )) )
However, in 5.3.1 this now produces a syntax error as follows:-
[CheckJobType] [ERR 101] Line 9:9 no viable alternative at input '$t' in rule
[CheckJobType] Parser returned a null Package
I have found that I have to now code the condition as follows:-
$jd: JobDetails(
"MTMAINT"] contains getJobType(businessArea, templateJobId) )) )
It is a relatively minor thing but I am curious as to why I should have to recode this.
What has changed to cause me to do this? What other incompatibilities exist?
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