I am newbie in Drools, I got an assignment and I found Drools / Guvnor
could be the perfect match for this requirements.
I have a huge database in mySQL in a school (where it has data from kinder
garden kids to PhD students). Management hired a sport medical doctor to
check the health of existing students to prepare a good soccer team. The
teacher want to find these kind of students.
a) students who are within age of 18-21 years old (sample only), parents
allowed to play soccer (let say the targeted population)
b) Among these population he want to screen who has encounter with minor
diseases and visited hospital in last year.
c) in that medical visits he want:
1. student more than 2 visits with chest or leg pain
2. under medication with (drug1, drug3, drug7, drug 11).
3. student lab test result show nicotine level (smoking) >48
4. student lab test result show alcohol level >=1.8
5. any chest pain (while running) or leg fracture.
These are the criteria he decided to pull from another software but I can
get XML file, which is infact a rule. He want me to write a rule, where he
can apply same pattern but for another game in future i.e. volleyball
players (where hand fracture is major determinant). and return result in a
format which has been written in Java script.
after studying Drools, I decided Guvnor would be the best tools to apply.
Now my problem is:
a) How can I map xml criteria to Drools.
b) How can I access Guvnor UI (for rule writing by non IT guy) with
Existing school's Software.
c) How can I visualize the results in Java script (already written). so I
don't have to work hard for visualization.
Any suggestion / ideas / steps are welcome.
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