On wednesday I logged a bug GUVNOR-19 indicating that I am unable to
deploy Guvnor M2 in Glassfish application server.
Since then, and with little sleep, I have been able to workaround the
To deploy Guvnor M2 release in glassfish, do the following.
Download jboss-seam from
untar it,
Download drools-guvnor.war
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
jar -xf ../drools-guvnor.war
cd WEB-INF/lib
rm org.jboss.seam-jboss-seam-2.1.0.BETA1.jar
cp from jboss-seam/lib directory into WEB-INF/lib
jar up the drools again
jar -cf ../drools-guvnor.war *
So, in summary, you need to replace the
org.jboss.seam-jboss-seam-2.1.0.BETA1.jar in guvnor lib directory with
the jboss-seam.jar file from jboss-seam
and add the hibernate-validator.jar file
Hope that helps some people :)