Make sure you Fact type has been marked as an "event".
If you are using a Declarative Model you can add the annotation to the type
in Guvnor.
If you are using a POJO model you will still need to annotate it as an
event in Guvnor using a Declarative Model that extends your POJO. This is
covered in the documentation.
On 19 March 2013 11:09, mahesh_kharat <mahesh.kharat(a)> wrote:
I have written simple business rule through DRL which states that if
event comes after 1 min when the first event has come. This works fine.
I want to achieve same thing using Drools Guvnor. But I am not able to see
options for selecting temporal operators in drools guvnor.
Has anyone written temporal operator related business rule using Drools
guvnor? Please provide some references.
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