Thank you for your answer and experience feedback.
Your explanations are very clear.
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 09:59:28 -0700
From: greg_barton(a)yahoo.com
To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Facts or rules ?
It matters on the nature of the processing. Rules are useful when the algorithm involves
iterative change, i.e. a rule fires, changing the data, which cause another rule to fire,
changing the data....etc until a resting state has been reached.
They're also useful if you want to handle odd cases, or global constraints, especially
if these can directly affect the data driven processing. This is what I was talking about
when I said "you can do both" below. Let's say your "data driven
approach" involves generating the pricing rules from the data. (Instead of having
generalized rules that act on inserted objects.) Using this approach you (or the business
folk) could then define other rules that execute alongside the generated ones for both
conditions that don't follow the pattern of the generated rules, and global
that affect all price calculation. This is like mixing decision tables and hand written
rules together, a rather common practice.
That make sense?
Including a BRMS is warranted when 1) there's going to be change, and 2) funky
processing is anticipated. In my experience both cases are frequent. The marketing folks
always come by and say, "can your system handle this promotion we want to do?"
--- On Fri, 4/9/10, Bertrand Grottier <b_grottier(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
From: Bertrand Grottier <b_grottier(a)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Facts or rules ?
To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 10:29 AM
I am coming back to this post with new a piece of information regarding the number of
rules: this latter may attain 5 * 10^5... This figure confirms the a "data driven
However, if I represent "business rules" using facts, is there really an added
value in using a brms ? (compared to a hard-coded component).
Thank you in advance for yours answers.
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 07:44:09 -0700
From: greg_barton(a)yahoo.com
To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Facts or rules ?
The answer to whether this is a good approach is, "It depends." :)
Does the 10^4 and 10^5 figure mean there could be that many rules? If so, definitely do
the data driven approach.
If not, will business folk (i.e. non technical) will be
writing pricing rules? If so, do the rules based approach as data driven rules are
generally less understandable by business types. (They're a bit more abstract and
influenced by the structure of your data model. Business people should not have to deal
with either abstraction or the implementation details of a data model.)
There's no reason why you can't do both, though.
--- On Wed, 4/7/10, Bertrand Grottier <b_grottier(a)hotmail.com> wrote:
Bertrand Grottier <b_grottier(a)hotmail.com>
Subject: [rules-users] Facts or rules ?
To: rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 9:23 AM
I am a newbie with business rules systems.
I would like to implement a component that "compute" the price of products.
There can be a great number of potential prices (maybe 10^4 or 10^5).
My first idea was to create template rules, "feeded" by a database. In other
words, the information about prices would be contained in the rules.
Eventually, I decided to create Prices objects, that are also inserted in the Knowledge
session (Prices become facts). The rule engine just "matches" the appropriate
price object with each product (there are other rules then to compute the final price).
_productId ;
_beginDate ;
_endDate ;
_price ;
_id ;
_date ;
Are my explanations clear enough ?
Is this a good approach or is it stupid ? Why ? What are the good practices ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
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