On 26/05/2010 09:56, paulnnosh wrote:
Hi Chaps,
We currently use Jrules 5 and are looking at our options going forward. We
are going to evaluate Drools alongside some other products. So far I like
the look of Drools but there are a couple of things that are puzzling me...
- In our Jrules implementation our BOM/XOM exposes some of our application
logic so that our rules can access application code and services to make
decisions and updates where necessary. I can't see how this is possible in
Pojos just work out of the box, it's much simpler :) So any inserted
object is a pojo and is a direct reference to the object the user
inserted. Use globals (also simple pojos) for registering and accessing
- Our ruleflows use decision tables to define which rules will run
upon the transaction type received. This makes assigning a rule to a single
ruleflow group inappropriate as one rule could be used by many different
transactions. Is it possible to create an ArrayList of rules and execute
them one at a time via ruleflow action node?
JRules ruleflow and Drools ruleflow are very different. In JRules each
ruleflow group is a separate knowledge base and executes statelessly.
Where as RuleFlow in drools is for a single knowledge base and stateful
You can simulate the more traditional ilog way by using Drools Flow, and
create a "work item" to execute some input vars against a stateless
session. This way each branch can have it's own knowledge base and copy
of relevant rules.
Many Thanks