spinjala wrote
I tried setting the scoreAttained and maximum time allowed to spend in my
termination configuration, but none seems to stop the solver finding the
solution that violates ALL constraints and hence throws a negative hard
score. Is this the only way to do it or any other way is available to
force the solver not to look for a solution when ALL constraints are
From Planner's perspective, there are multiple possible solutions.
Each solution has a score, a combination of the hard and soft scores, each
of which represents the sum of constraint violations.
If the scores are <0, then the solution is nonoptimal; and thus, it will
keep looking.
You might try the termination/maximumUnimprovedStepCount config setting.
(see section 6.6.4 of the doc)
This stops the solving after a number of steps have been tried without any
improvement to the score.
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