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From: Niraj Gupta <Niraj.Gupta(a)causeway.com>
Date: 25 February 2014 10:22
Subject: RE: Need Drools developer Help
Hi Michael,
I am using 'drools-guvnor 5.5.0.Final' open source tool for
designing the business process (BPMN2). I end up in an issue and looking
for help. Following is the scenario
I created a package then process then after build, deploy execute
successfully. Now I came back to guvnor and made few changes in the
process. Then after same build, deploy execute successfully. But now this
time I am creating a declarative model having 2 facts, also modifying
business process. Then after same build, deploy execute successfully. This
time modified/latest business process doesn't load into console. This is my
problem. However I trouble shoot and google following are my observations:
* I am running this application in tomcat 6.0.35
* It works perfectly with POJO Model Jar approach.
* It works perfectly with declarative model but having single
* I am not seeing any exceptions either in UI or console logs
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