Hi Edson,
Issue number is JBRULES-2375
- Paul
Edson Tirelli-4 wrote:
I am working on profiling of the core engine right now... meanwhile if
you can create a JIRA and attach your code, just so that we don't lose
of it, I will take a look right after what I am doing.
2009/12/14 Paul R. <reverselogic(a)gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem in my project; inserting large quantities of facts
> into a StatefulKnowledgeSession (stream mode) causes my code to hang
> after a
> few minutes of activity. I've attached a simple test to demonstrate the
> problem; when I run the attached code ~ 20 objects get inserted into the
> session, the rule fires once and then hangs. No more facts get inserted
> and
> the rule never fires again.
> Is there anything obvious wrong with the attached code, or is it possible
> that this is a bug in drools [drools-5.0.1]?
> Thanks and regards,
> Paul
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Edson Tirelli
JBoss Drools Core Development
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