Hi again,
Well, I already did this before. But now I've discovered that its
working when called from a file inside a guvnor package. but not
directly in the browser..
But I got a error that prevents the model (see the attached picture)
saved properly. at least when I tried to open the saved file I got a
black canvas.
00:29:06,846 ERROR
(http-- Servlet.service() for servlet
UUIDBasedRepositoryServlet threw exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Enum.java:196) [:1.6.0_29]
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:754)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:847)
at org.jboss.as.web.NamingValve.invoke(NamingValve.java:57)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680) [:1.6.0_29]
00:29:06,850 INFO [stdout] (http-- ERROR 13-03
00:29:06,849 (LoggingHelper.java:error:74) Server returned HTTP
response code: 500 for URL:
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http--
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,851 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,852 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,854 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,856 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,856 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,856 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,856 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:06,856 INFO [stdout] (http-- at
00:29:07,055 INFO [stdout] (http-- (null: -1, -1):
Premature end of file.
00:29:07,140 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.server.EditorHandler]
(http-- Performing diagram information pre-processing
00:29:07,665 INFO
(http-- Successfully deleted file
00:29:07,673 INFO
(http-- Created
00:29:07,674 INFO
(http-- Successfully deleted file
00:29:07,675 INFO
(http-- Successfully deleted file
00:29:07,678 INFO
(http-- Created
00:29:07,680 INFO
(http-- Created
00:29:08,420 INFO [stdout] (http-- (null: -1, -1):
Premature end of file.
00:29:09,100 INFO [org.jbpm.designer.web.server.DictionaryServlet]
(http-- check connection response code: 500
what could be?
On 12/03/12 19:37, Tihomir Surdilovic wrote:
Most likely you are missing an empty designer.dodeploy file in your
installation deploy directory.
You can install designer without guvnor, however designer is currently
storing processes in guvnor, so as standalone you can only view
existing processes, but not create/save new ones.
Hope this helps.
On 3/12/12 5:47 PM, Cristiano Gavião wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to try the new version of Designer. So, I've got the
> designer-2.1-jboss7.war from
> I've renamed to designer.war and deployed into my jboss AS7 that
> comes with jbpm-5.2.0.Final-installer-full.
> JbossAS console at
http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#deployment-list shows me that
> designer is enabled but when I try the url
http://localhost:8080/designer/ I got a 404 error.
> Am I missing something ?
> Btw, must I have guvnor working just to try designer or can I deploy
> it in a fresh jboss AS instance ?
> regards,
> Cristiano
> _______________________________________________
> rules-users mailing list
> rules-users(a)lists.jboss.org
"title":"jBPM BPMN2 (Full)",
"description":"This is the jBPM BPMN 2.0 stencil set
"propertyPackages": [
"properties": [
"description":"The descriptive name of the BPMN element.",
"wrapLines" : true,
"description":"This attribute is used to annotate the BPMN element,
such as descriptions and other documentation.",
"popular" : true
"name" : "bgColor",
"properties" : [
"refToView": "fill_el",
"name" : "condition",
"properties" : [
"description":"Denotes whether the activity should be cancelled or
not, i.e., whether the boundary catch event acts as an error or an escalation. If the
activity is not cancelled, multiple instances of that handler can run
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "true",
"value": "true"
"description":"EventDefinitionRefs (EventDefinition) is an attribute
that defines the type of reusable triggers expected for a catch Event.",
"description":"EventDefinition is an attribute that defines the type
of contained triggers expected for a catch Event.",
"description":"The Data Associations of the catch Event.",
"description":"The Data Associations of the catch Event.",
"description":"The OutputSet for the catch Event.",
"description":"EventDefinitionRefs (EventDefinition) is an attribute
that defines the type of reusable triggers expected for a catch Event.",
"description":"EventDefinitions (EventDefinition) is an attribute that
defines the type of contained triggers expected for a catch Event.",
"description":"The Data Associations of the throw Event.",
"title":"Data Input",
"description":"The Data Associations of the throw Event.",
"description":"The InputSet for the throw Event.",
"name" : "compensationThrowing",
"properties" : [
"title":"Wait for completion",
"description":"Determine whether a throw compensation is performed
synchronously or asynchronously.",
"name" : "compensation",
"properties" : [
"title":"Activity reference",
"description":"The activity related to the compensation event",
"title":"Is Interrupting",
"description":"This attribute denotes whether the Sub-Process
encompassing the Event Sub-Process should be cancelled or not.",
"refToView": [
"name" : "diagram",
"properties" : [
"title":"Variable Definitions",
"description":"Variable Definitions",
"description":"Defines an AdHoc process",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "true",
"value": "true"
"description":"Comma-separated imports",
"description":"Comma-separated globals",
"description":"This defines the Version number of the Diagram.",
"description":"This holds the name of the author of the
"description":"This holds the name of the language in which text is
"description":"Additional namespaces and theire prefixes used in the
diagram., ",
"complexItems": [
"title":"Target Namespace",
"description":"Defines the XML namespace of the elements inside the
"description":"A Language may be provided so that the syntax of
expressions used in the Diagram can be understood.",
"description":"This attribute identifies the type system used by the
elements of this Definition.",
"description":"This defines the date on which the Diagram was
"description":"This defines the date on which the Diagram was last
"name": "flowElement",
"properties" : [
"name" : "itemAwareElement",
"properties" : [
"id" : "itemsubjectref",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "ItemSubjectRef",
"description" : "Specification of the items that are stored or
conveyed by the ItemAwareElement",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"length" : 50,
"wrapLines" : true
"id" : "datastate",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "DataState",
"description" : "A reference to the DataState, which defines certain
states for the data contained in the item.",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"length" : 50,
"wrapLines" : true
"properties": [
"description":"Modeler-defined properties MAY be added to an Activity.
These properties are local to the Activity. (e.g., Add Customer.Customer Name).",
"readonly": false,
"optional": false,
"complexItems": [
"items" : [
"name" : "iospecification",
"properties" : [
"description":"An InputSet is a collection of DataInput elements that
together define a valid set of data inputs.",
/** "complexItems": [
] **/
"description":"An OutputSet is a collection of DataOutputs elements
that together may be produced as output from an Activity or Event.",
/** "complexItems": [
] **/
"name" : "activity",
"properties": [
"description":"Defines the number of tokens that must be generated
from the activity",
"title":"Is for Compensation",
"description":"A flag that identifies whether this activity is
intended for the purposes of compensation.",
/** "complexItems": [
"items": [
] **/
"title":"is a Call Activity",
"description":"a Call Activity is a wrapper for a globally defined
Sub-Process that is reused in the current process.",
// start custom activity properties
"name" : "customactivity",
"properties": [
"title":"Is for Compensation",
"description":"A flag that identifies whether this activity is
intended for the purposes of compensation.",
"title":"is a Call Activity",
"description":"a Call Activity is a wrapper for a globally defined
Sub-Process that is reused in the current process.",
// end custom activity properties
"properties": [
"description":"The descriptive name for the operation element.",
"description":"The descriptive name for the InMessage element",
"description":"This defines the nature of the Item. Possible values
are Physical or Information. The default value is Information.",
"items": [
"description":"This defines the nature of the Item. Possible values
are Physical or Information. The default value is Information.",
"description":"Identifies the location of the data structure and its
format. If the importType attribute is left unspecified, the typeLanguage specified in the
Definitions is assumed.",
"complexItems": [
"description":"Setting this flag to true indicates that the actual
data type is a collection.",
"description":"The descriptive name for the OutMessage element",
"description":"This defines the nature of the Item. Possible values
are Physical or Information. The default value is Information.",
"items": [
"description":"This defines the nature of the Item. Possible values
are Physical or Information. The default value is Information.",
"description":"Identifies the location of the data structure and its
format. If the importType attribute is left unspecified, the typeLanguage specified in the
Definitions is assumed.",
"complexItems": [
"description":"Setting this flag to true indicates that the actual
data type is a collection.",
"name" : "loopcharacteristics",
"properties" : [
"items": [
"icon" : "activity/list/looptype.standard.png",
"title":"MI Parallel",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.parallel.png",
"title":"MI Sequential",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.sequential.png",
"description":"Flag that controls whether the loop condition is
evaluated at the beginning (testBefore = true) or at the end (testBefore = false)of the
loop iteration.",
"description":"A numeric Expression that controls the number of
Activity instances that will be created. This Expression MUST evaluate to an
"description":"A reference to a DataInput which is part of the
Activity InputOutputSpecification. This DataInput is used to determine the number of
Activity instances, one Activity instance per item in the collection of data stored in
that DataInput element.",
"description":"A reference to a DataOutput which is part of the
Activity InputOutputSpecification.",
"description":"A Property, representing for every Activity instance
the single item of the collection stored in the loopDataInput.",
"description":"A Property, representing for every Activity instance
the single item of the collection stored in the loopDataOutput.",
"description":"The attribute behavior acts as a shortcut for
specifying when events shall be thrown from an Activity instance that is about to
complete. It can assume values of none, one, all, and complex.",
"items": [
"description":"Controls when and which Events are thrown in case
behavior is set to complex.",
"complexItems": [
"description":"This attribute defines a Boolean Expression that when
evaluated to true, cancels the remaining Activity instances and produces a token.",
"description":"The EventDefinition which is thrown when behavior
is set to one and the first internal Activity instance has completed.",
// start custom loop characteristics
"name" : "customloopcharacteristics",
"properties" : [
"items": [
"icon" : "activity/list/looptype.standard.png",
"title":"MI Parallel",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.parallel.png",
"title":"MI Sequential",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.sequential.png",
"description":"This attribute defines a Boolean Expression that when
evaluated to true, cancels the remaining Activity instances and produces a token.",
// end custom loop characteristics
"name" : "task",
"properties" : [
"icon" : "activity/list/type.send.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.receive.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.user.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.manual.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.service.png",
"title":"Business Rule",
"value":"Business Rule",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.business.rule.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.script.png",
"items": [
"complexItems": [
"items": [
"description":"ID-Reference to an operation definition.",
"description":"Script that can be run when the Task is performed.
Related to the Script TaskType, if a script is not included, then the Task will act
equivalent to a TaskType of None.",
"description":"Defines the script language. The script language MUST
be provided if a script is provided.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"title":"In Message",
"description":"Type of input message",
"title":"Out Message",
"description":"Type of output message",
"description":"name of service",
"description":"Defines the XML namespace of the elements inside the
// start custom task properties
"name" : "customtask",
"properties" : [
"items": [
// end custom task properties
"name" : "subprocess",
"properties" : [
"id": "subprocesstype",
"type": "Choice",
"title": "subProcessType",
"value": "Embedded",
"description": "SubProcessType is an attribute that defines whether
the Sub-Process details are embedded within the higher level Process or refers to another,
re-usable Process. The default is Embedded.",
"optional": false,
"refToView": "",
"items": [
"id": "choice1",
"id": "choice2",
"title": "Independent",
"value": "Independent"
"id": "choice3",
"title": "Reusable",
"value": "Reusable"
"title":"is a Transaction",
"description":"A Transaction is a set of activities that logically
belongs together; it might follow a specified transaction protocol.",
"description":"The technique that will be used to undo a transaction
that has been cancelled.",
"items": [
"items": [
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.sequential.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.parallel.png",
"description":"This attribute is used only if ordering is parallel. It
determines whether running instances are cancelled when the completionCondition becomes
} **/
"name" : "adhocsubprocess",
"properties" : [
/** {
"id": "subprocesstype",
"type": "Choice",
"title": "subProcessType",
"value": "AdHoc",
"description": "SubProcessType is an attribute that defines whether
the Sub-Process details are embedded within the higher level Process or refers to another,
re-usable Process. The default is Embedded.",
"optional": false,
"refToView": "",
"items": [
"id": "choice1",
"id": "choice2",
"title": "Independent",
"value": "Independent"
"id": "choice3",
"title": "Reusable",
"value": "Reusable"
"title":"is a Transaction",
"description":"A Transaction is a set of activities that logically
belongs together; it might follow a specified transaction protocol.",
"description":"The technique that will be used to undo a transaction
that has been cancelled.",
"items": [
"items": [
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.sequential.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.parallel.png",
"description":"This attribute is used only if ordering is parallel. It
determines whether running instances are cancelled when the completionCondition becomes
"name" : "gateway",
"properties" : [
"complexItems": [
"items": [
"title":"[Gates] OutgoingSequenceFlow",
"title":"[Gates] Assignments",
"name" : "artifact",
"properties" : [
"description":"The processType attribute Provides additional
information about the level of abstraction modeled by this Process.",
"popular" : true,
"items": [
"description":"A Boolean value specifying whether interactions, such
as sending and receiving Messages and Events, not modeled in the Process can occur when
the Process is executed or performed. If the value is true, they MAY NOT occur. If the
value is false, they MAY occur.",
"name" : "pool",
"properties" : [
"id" : "multiinstance",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "is Multi Instance Participant",
"value" : false,
"description" : "",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"refToView" : "multiInstance"
"description":"Defines if the rectangular boundary for the Pool is
"refToView": ["border", "c", "caption",
"popular" : true,
"items": [
"items": [
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.sequential.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/mi.parallel.png",
"title":"Process Documentation",
"name" : "dataAssociation",
"properties" : [
"complexItems": [
"stencils" : [
"type": "node",
"id": "BPMNDiagram",
"title": "BPMN-Diagram",
"groups": ["Diagram"],
"description": "A BPMN 2.0 Diagram.",
"view": "diagram.svg",
"icon": "diagram.png",
"mayBeRoot": true,
"hide": true,
"propertyPackages" : ["diagram"],
"roles": ["canContainArtifacts"],
"properties": [
"description":"The descriptive name of the BPMN element.",
"wrapLines" : true,
"popular" : true
"description":"This attribute is used to annotate the BPMN element,
such as descriptions and other documentation.",
"popular" : true
// Acitvities
"type" : "node",
"id": "Task",
"title" : "Task",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "A task is a unit of work - the job to be
"view" : "activity/task.svg",
"icon" : "activity/task.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
/** "loopcharacteristics", **/
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"title":"Ruleflow Group",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"title":"Task Name",
"description":"Task Name",
"description":"Comma-separated list of actors",
"description":"Group id value.",
// start custom workitems
"type" : "node",
"id": "Log",
"title" : "Log",
"groups" : ["Service Tasks"],
"description" : "",
"view" : "activity/workitems/Log.svg",
"icon" :
"propertyPackages" :[
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"icon" : "activity/list/type.send.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.receive.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.user.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.manual.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.service.png",
"title":"Business Rule",
"value":"Business Rule",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.business.rule.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.script.png",
"description":"The descriptive name of the BPMN element.",
"wrapLines" : true,
"description":"This attribute is used to annotate the BPMN element,
such as descriptions and other documentation.",
"popular" : true
"title":"Task Name",
"description":"Task Name",
"description":"An InputSet is a collection of DataInput elements
that together define a valid set of data inputs.",
"description":"An OutputSet is a collection of DataOutputs elements
that together may be produced as output from an Activity or Event.",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"description":"Defines the script language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"type" : "node",
"id": "Email",
"title" : "Email",
"groups" : ["Service Tasks"],
"description" : "",
"view" : "activity/workitems/Email.svg",
"icon" :
"propertyPackages" :[
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"icon" : "activity/list/type.send.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.receive.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.user.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.manual.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.service.png",
"title":"Business Rule",
"value":"Business Rule",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.business.rule.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/type.script.png",
"description":"The descriptive name of the BPMN element.",
"wrapLines" : true,
"description":"This attribute is used to annotate the BPMN element,
such as descriptions and other documentation.",
"popular" : true
"title":"Task Name",
"description":"Task Name",
"description":"An InputSet is a collection of DataInput elements
that together define a valid set of data inputs.",
"description":"An OutputSet is a collection of DataOutputs elements
that together may be produced as output from an Activity or Event.",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"description":"Defines the script language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
// end custom workitems
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ReusableSubprocess",
"title" : "Reusable Subprocess",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "A reusable subprocess. It can be used to invoke
another process.",
"view" : "activity/subprocess.collapsed.svg",
"icon" : "activity/subprocess.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
/** "subprocess", **/
/** "loopcharacteristics", **/
"properties" : [
"description":"The Type of Activity.",
"title":"Called Element",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"description":"If set to true the child process is started as an
independent process.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "false",
"value": "false"
"title":"Wait for completion",
"description":"If true this sub-process node will only continue if the
child process that was started has terminated its execution (completed or aborted)",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "false",
"value": "false"
"description":"Defines the script language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"roles": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "MultipleInstanceSubprocess",
"title" : "Multiple instances",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "A multiple instances subprocess. Allows to execute the
contained process segment multiple times.",
"view" : "activity/subprocess.multiple.svg",
"icon" : "activity/subprocess.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
/** "activity", **/
/** "subprocess", **/
/** "loopcharacteristics", **/
"properties" /**,**/
/** "iospecification" **/
"properties" : [
"description":"The Type of Activity.",
"description":"Name of a variable that represents the collection of
elements that should be iterated over.",
"title":"Variable Name",
"description":"Name of the variable to contain the current element
from the collection.",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"description":"Defines the script language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"title":"Variable Definitions",
"description":"Comma-separated variable definitions",
"roles": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Subprocess",
"title" : "Embedded Subprocess",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "A subprocess is a decomposable activity. An expanded
subprocess contains a valid BPMN diagram.",
"view" : "activity/subprocess.embedded.svg",
"icon" : "activity/expanded.subprocess.png",
"layout" : [
{"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.subprocess"},
{"type" : "layout.container.dockers"},
"type" : "layout.container.minBounds",
"options" : {
"fixedX" : true,
"ignoreChildsWithId" : [
"propertyPackages" :[
/** "subprocess", **/
/** "loopcharacteristics", **/
"properties" : [
"description":"The Type of Activity.",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"description":"Defines the script language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"title":"Variable Definitions",
"description":"Comma-separated variable definitions",
"roles" : [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "AdHocSubprocess",
"title" : "AdHoc Subprocess",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "A subprocess is a decomposable activity. An expanded
subprocess contains a valid BPMN diagram.",
"view" : "activity/subprocess.adhoc.svg",
"icon" : "activity/expanded.subprocess.png",
"layout" : [
{"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.subprocess"},
{"type" : "layout.container.dockers"},
"type" : "layout.container.minBounds",
"options" : {
"fixedX" : true,
"ignoreChildsWithId" : [
"propertyPackages" :[
/** "loopcharacteristics", **/
"properties" : [
"description":"The Type of Activity.",
"title":"On Entry Actions",
"description":"on entry actions",
"title":"On Exit Actions",
"description":"on exit actions",
"description":"Defines the script language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"title":"Variable Definitions",
"description":"Comma-separated variable definitions",
"roles" : [
/** {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "CollapsedEventSubprocess",
"title" : "Collapsed Event-Subprocess",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "An Event-Subprocess is placed within another
subprocess. It becomes active when its start event gets triggered and can interrupt the
Subprocess context or run in parallel (non-interrupting). It can be linked to another
"view" : "activity/event.subprocess.collapsed.svg",
"icon" : "activity/event.subprocess.collapsed.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
"properties" : [
"description":"The Type of Activity.",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.message.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.timer.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.escalation.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.conditional.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.error.png",
"value": "Compensation",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.compensation.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.signal.png",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.multiple.png",
"title":"Multiple (Parallel)",
"icon" : "activity/list/event.multiple.parallel.png",
"roles": [
/** {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EventSubprocess",
"title" : "Event-Subprocess",
"groups" : ["Activities"],
"description" : "An Event-Subprocess is placed within another
Subprocess. It becomes active when its start event gets triggered and can interrupt the
Subprocess context or run in parallel (non-interrupting).",
"view" : "activity/event.subprocess.svg",
"icon" : "activity/event.subprocess.png",
"layout" : [{"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.subprocess"}],
"propertyPackages" :[
"properties" : [
"description":"The Type of Activity.",
"title":"is a Transaction",
"description":"A Transaction is a set of activities that logically
belongs together; it might follow a specified transaction protocol.",
"title":"is a Call Activity",
"description":"a Call Activity is a wrapper for a globally defined
Sub-Process that is reused in the current process.",
"roles" : [
}, **/
// Gateways
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Exclusive_Databased_Gateway",
"title" : "Data-based Exclusive (XOR) Gateway",
"description" : "When splitting, it routes the sequence flow to exactly
one of the outgoing branches based on conditions. When merging, it awaits one incoming
branch to complete before triggering the outgoing flow.",
"groups" : ["Gateways"],
"view" : "gateway/exclusive.databased.svg",
"icon" : "gateway/exclusive.databased.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
"properties" : [
"title":"Gateway type",
"title":"XOR type",
"title":"X-Marker visible",
"title":"Default gate",
"title":"[Gate] OutgoingSequenceFlow",
"title":"[Gate] Assignments",
"roles": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "EventbasedGateway",
"title" : "Event-based Gateway",
"groups" : ["Gateways"],
"description" : "Is always followed by catching events or receive
tasks. Sequence flow is routed to the subsequent event/task which happens first.",
"view" : "gateway/eventbased.svg",
"icon" : "gateway/eventbased.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
"properties" : [
"title":"Exclusive (standard)",
"icon" : "gateway/list/eventbased.exclusive.png",
"title":"Exclusive Instantiation",
"icon" : "gateway/list/eventbased.exclusive.png",
"title":"Parallel Instantiation",
"icon" : "gateway/list/eventbased.parallel.png",
"roles": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "ParallelGateway",
"title" : "Parallel Gateway",
"groups" : ["Gateways"],
"description" : "When used to split the sequence flow, all outgoing
branches are activated simultaneously. When merging parallel branches it waits for all
incoming branches to complete before triggering the outgoing flow.",
"view" : "gateway/parallel.svg",
"icon" : "gateway/parallel.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
"properties" : [
"roles": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "InclusiveGateway",
"title" : "Inclusive Gateway",
"groups" : ["Gateways"],
"description" : "When splitting, one or more branches are activated
based on branching conditions. When merging, it awaits all active incoming branches to
"view" : "gateway/inclusive.svg",
"icon" : "gateway/inclusive.png",
"propertyPackages" :[
"properties" : [
"title":"[Gate] OutgoingSequenceFlow",
"title":"[Gate] Assignments",
"roles": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Complex Gateway",
"description":"It triggers one or more branches based on complex
conditions or verbal descriptions. Use it sparingly as the semantics might not be
"propertyPackages" : [
"properties" : [
"description":"Determines which combination of incoming tokens will be
synchronized for activation of the Gateway.",
"roles": [
// Swimlanes
/** {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Pool",
"title" : "Pool",
"groups" : ["Swimlanes"],
"description" : "Pools and Lanes represent responsibilities for
activities in a process. A pool or a lane can be an organization, a role, or a
"view" : "swimlane/pool.svg",
"icon" : "swimlane/pool.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"roles" : [
"layout" : [{"type" : "layout.bpmn2_0.pool"}]
"type" : "node",
"id" : "CollapsedPool",
"title" : "Collapsed Pool",
"groups" : ["Swimlanes"],
"description" : "Collapsed Pools hide all internals of the contained
"view" : "swimlane/collapsed.pool.svg",
"icon" : "swimlane/lane.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"properties" : [
"roles" : [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Lane",
"title" : "Lane",
"groups" : ["Swimlanes"],
"description" : "Pools and Lanes represent responsibilities for
activities in a process. A pool or a lane can be an organization, a role, or a system.
Lanes sub-divide pools or other lanes hierarchically.",
"view" : "swimlane/lane.svg",
"icon" : "swimlane/lane.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"properties" : [
"refToView": ["caption",
"roles": [
"layout" : [
{"type" : "layout.bpmn11.lane"},
"type" : "layout.container.minBounds",
"options" : {
"ignoreChildsWithId" : [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "processparticipant",
"title" : "Additional Participant",
"groups" : ["Swimlanes"],
"description" : "he additional participant can be connected
to a task or sub process. It is used to visualize additional associations of roles or
individuals to the respective activity (e.g. responsibility, informed persons,
"view" : "swimlane/process.participant.svg",
"icon" : "swimlane/process.participant.png",
"defaultAlign" : "northeast",
"propertyPackages": [
"roles": [
// Artifacts
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Group",
"title" : "Group",
"groups" : ["Artifacts"],
"description" : "An arbitrary set of objects can be defined as a Group
to show that they logically belong together.",
"view" : "artifact/group.svg",
"icon": "artifact/group.png",
"propertyPackages" : [
"properties" : [
"roles": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "TextAnnotation",
"title" : "Text Annotation",
"groups" : ["Artifacts"],
"description" : "Any object can be associated with a Text Annotation to
provide additional documentation.",
"view" : "artifact/text.annotation.svg",
"icon" : "artifact/text.annotation.png",
"defaultAlign" : "northeast",
"propertyPackages": [
"properties" : [
"roles": [
// Data Objects
"type" : "node",
"id" : "DataObject",
"title" : "Data Object",
"description" : "A Data Object represents information flowing through
the process, such as business documents, e-mails or letters.",
"groups" : ["Data Objects"],
"view" : "dataobject/data.object.svg",
"icon" : "dataobject/data.object.png",
"defaultAlign" : "southeast",
"propertyPackages": [
"properties" : [
"icon" : "dataobject/list/input.png",
"icon" : "dataobject/list/output.png",
"id" : "iscollection",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "is Collection",
"value" : false,
"description" : "A Collection Data Object represents a collection of
information, e.g. a list of order items.",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"refToView" : "collection"
"roles" : [
// {
// "type" : "node",
// "id" : "ITSystem",
// "title" : "IT System",
// "groups" : ["Artifacts"],
// "description" : "An IT System can be associated with an activity. It
is a system or application used while fulfilling the activity.",
// "view" : "dataobject/it.system.svg",
// "icon" : "dataobject/it.system.png",
// "propertyPackages" : [
// "baseAttributes",
// "flowElement"
// ],
// "properties" : [
// {
// "id":"bgcolor",
// "type":"Color",
// "title":"BackgroundColor",
// "value":"#e1e1e1",
// "description":"",
// "readonly":false,
// "optional":false,
// "refToView":"fill_el",
// "fill":true,
// "stroke":false
// }
// ],
// "roles" : [
// "all",
// "from_task_event",
// "to_task_event",
// "fromtoall",
// "DataObjectMorph"
// ]
// },
"type" : "node",
"id" : "DataStore",
"title" : "Data Store",
"groups" : ["Data Objects"],
"description" : "A Data Store is a place where the process can read or
wirte date, e.g. a database or a filling cabinet. It persists beyond the lifetime of the
process instance.",
"view" : "dataobject/data.store.svg",
"icon" : "dataobject/data.store.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"properties" : [
"id" : "capacity",
"type" : "Integer",
"title" : "Capacity",
"description" : "",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"length" : ""
"id" : "isUnlimited",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "is Unlimited",
"value" : false,
"description" : "",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true
"id" : "dataStoreRef",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "DataStoreRef",
"description" : "",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"length": 50,
"wrapLines" : true
"roles" : [
/** {
"type" : "node",
"id" : "Message",
"title" : "Message",
"groups" : ["Data Objects"],
"description" : "A Message is used to depict the contents of a
communication between two Participants.",
"view" : "dataobject/message.svg",
"icon" : "dataobject/message.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"properties" : [
"id" : "structureref",
"type" : "String",
"title" : "StructureRef",
"description" : "",
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true,
"length" : 50,
"wrapLines" : true
"id" : "initiating",
"type" : "Boolean",
"title" : "is initiating",
"description" : "",
"value" : true,
"refToView" : ["nonInitiating", "nonInitiating2"],
"readonly" : false,
"optional" : true
"roles" : [
}, **/
// Start Events
"type" : "node",
"id": "StartNoneEvent",
"title": "Start Event",
"groups" : ["Start Events"],
"description" : "Untyped start event.",
"view" : "startevent/none.svg",
"icon" : "startevent/none.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartMessageEvent",
"title" : "Start Message Event",
"groups" : ["Start Events"],
"description" : "A process instance is started on receive of a
"view" : "startevent/message.svg",
"icon" : "startevent/message.png",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"description":"Message Ref",
"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartTimerEvent",
"title" : "Start Timer Event",
"groups" : ["Start Events"],
"description" : "A process instance is started on cyclic timer events,
points in time, after time spans or timeouts.",
"view" : "startevent/timer.svg",
"icon" : "startevent/timer.png",
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"title":"Time Date",
"title":"Time Duration",
"title":"Time Cycle",
"title":"Time Cycle Language",
"items": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Start Escalation Event",
"groups":["Start Events"],
"description":"Reacts on an escalation to another role in the
organization. This event is only used inside of a event subprocess.",
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"description":"Escalation code",
"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartConditionalEvent",
"title" : "Start Conditional Event",
"groups" : ["Start Events"],
"description" : "A process instance is started based on changed
business conditions or matching business rules.",
"view" : "startevent/conditional.svg",
"icon" : "startevent/conditional.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"description":"Defines the condition language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"type": "node",
"title":"Start Error Event",
"groups":["Start Events"],
"description":"Catches named errors. This event is only used inside of a
event subprocess.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Start Compensation Event",
"groups":["Start Events"],
"description":"Compensation handling. This event is only used inside of
a event subprocess.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartSignalEvent",
"title" : "Start Signal Event",
"groups" : ["Start Events"],
"description" : "A process instance is started based on signalling
across different processes. (One signal thrown can be caught multiple times)",
"view" : "startevent/signal.svg",
"icon" : "startevent/signal.png",
"propertyPackages": [
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"type" : "node",
"id" : "StartMultipleEvent",
"title" : "Start Multiple Event",
"groups" : ["Start Events"],
"description" : "A process instance is started upon occurence of one
out of a set of possible events.",
"view" : "startevent/multiple.svg",
"icon" : "startevent/multiple.png",
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Start Parallel Multiple Event",
"groups":["Start Events"],
"description":"A process instance is started upon occurence of all
possible events.",
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"value":"Parallel Multiple",
// Intermediate Events Catching
"type": "node",
"title":"Message Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"This event reacts on the arrival of a message.",
"properties": [
"description":"Message Ref",
"type": "node",
"title":"Timer Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Process execution is delayed until a certain point in
time is reached or a particular duration is over.",
"properties": [
"title":"Time Date",
"title":"Time Duration",
"title":"Time Cycle",
"title":"Time Cycle Language",
"items": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Escalation Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"This event reacts on the escalation of a case. It needs
to be attached to the boundary of an activity.",
"properties": [
"description":"Escalation code",
"type": "node",
"title":"Conditional Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Process execution is delayed until a changed business
condition or business rule matches.",
"properties": [
"description":"Defines the condition language.",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"id": "c2",
"title": "mvel",
"value": "mvel"
"type": "node",
"title":"Link Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Off-page connectors. Two corresponding link events
correspond to a sequence flow.",
"properties": [
"title":"Diagram Link",
"refToView" : "diagramLink",
"type": "node",
"title":"Error Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Catches a named error, which was thrown be an inner scope
(e.g. subprocess). This event needs to be attached to the boundary of an activity.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Cancel Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Reacts on a transaction, which was cancelled inside an
inner scope (e.g. subprocess). This event needs to be attached to the boundary of an
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Compensation Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Compensation handling in case of partially failed
operations. This event needs to be attached to the boundary of an activity.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Signal Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Process execution is delayed until a particular signal is
catched. Signalling can happen across different processes.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Multiple Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Process execution is delayed until one out of a set of
possible events is triggered.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Parallel Multiple Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Catching Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Process execution is delayed until all possible events
have been triggered.",
"properties": [
// Intermediate Events Throwing
"type": "node",
"title":"Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"This event marks the occurrence of a particular business
event. Process execution is not delayed.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Message Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"The throwing message event sends a message to a
communication partner and afterwards continues process execution.",
"properties": [
"description":"Message Ref",
"type": "node",
"title":"Escalation Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"This event triggers the escalation of the case to another
role in the organisation. After this, process execution is resumed.",
"properties": [
"description":"Escalation code",
/** {
"type": "node",
"title":"Link Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Off-page connectors. Two corresponding link events
correspond to a sequence flow.",
"properties": [
"title":"Diagram Link",
"refToView": "diagramLink",
"type": "node",
"title":"Compensation Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"Triggers a compensation.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Signal Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"The throwing signal event fires up a signal. Afterwards
it continues process execution. One signal thrown can be caught multiple times by
different catching signal events.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Multiple Intermediate Event",
"groups":["Throwing Intermediate Events"],
"description":"The throwing multiple event throws one out of a set of
possible events. Afterwards it continues process execution.",
"properties": [
// End Events
"type" : "node",
"id": "EndNoneEvent",
"title": "End Event",
"groups" : ["End Events"],
"description" : "The untyped end event typically marks the standard end
of a process.",
"view" : "endevent/none.svg",
"icon" : "endevent/none.png",
"roles" : [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Message End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"At the end of the process, a message is sent.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"description":"Message Ref",
"type": "node",
"title":"Escalation End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"The case is escalated with the end of the
"roles": [
"properties": [
"description":"Escalation code",
"type": "node",
"title":"Error End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"The process ends in an error state. As result a named
error is thrown.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Cancel End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"Triggering cancellation of a transaction.",
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Compensation End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"Triggering compensation as final process step.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Signal End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"At the end of the process, a signal is thrown. (One
signal thrown can be caught multiple times)",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Multiple End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"At the end of the process, one out of a set of possible
events is triggered.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
"type": "node",
"title":"Terminate End Event",
"groups":["End Events"],
"description":"Triggering the immediate termination of a process
instance. All steps still in execution in parallel branches are terminated.",
"roles": [
"properties": [
// Edges
"type": "edge",
"title":"Sequence Flow",
"description":"Sequence Flow defines the execution order of
"groups":["Connecting Objects"],
"roles": [
"description":"Determine the typ of the flow object.",
"items": [
"title":"Conditional Flow",
"icon" : "connector/list/type.expression.png",
"title":"Default Flow",
"icon" : "connector/list/type.default.png",
"title":"Condition Expression",
"title":"Condition Expression Language",
"items": [
"id": "c1",
"title": "java",
"value": "java"
"id": "c2",
"title": "drools",
"value": "drools"
"description":"An optional Boolean value specifying whether Activities
or Choreography Activities not in the model containing the Sequence Flow can occur between
the elements connected by the Sequence Flow. If the value is true, they MAY NOT occur. If
the value is false, they MAY occur. Also see the isClosed attribute on Process,
Choreography, and Collaboration.",
"title":"is conditional flow",
"description":"System intern variable to set the Diamond invisible, if
sourceShape is a gateway and ConditionType is set to Expression",
"type": "edge",
"title":"Association (undirected)",
"description":"Attaching a data object with an Undirected Association to
a sequence flow indicates hand-over of information between the activities
"groups":["Connecting Objects"],
"roles": [
"propertyPackages" : [
"properties" : [
"description":"Describes the type of the responsibility according to
"items": [
"type": "edge",
"title":"Association (unidirectional)",
"description":"A Directed Association indicates information flow. A data
object can be read at the start of an activity or written upon completion.",
"groups":["Connecting Objects"],
"roles": [
"propertyPackages" : [
"properties" : [
"type": "edge",
"title":"Association (bidirectional)",
"description":"A Bidirected Association indicates that the data object
is modified, i.e. read and written during the execution of an actvity.",
"groups":["Connecting Objects"],
"roles": [
"propertyPackages" : [
"properties" : [
"type": "edge",
"title":"Message Flow",
"description":"Message Flow symbolizes information flow across
organizational boundaries. Message flow can be attached to pools, activities, or message
events. The order of message exchanges can be specified by combining message flow and
sequence flow.",
"groups":["Connecting Objects"],
"roles": [
"rules" : {
"cardinalityRules": [
"incomingEdges": [
"outgoingEdges": [
"connectionRules": [
"connects": [
"from" : "EventbasedGateway",
"to" : ["FromEventbasedGateway"]
"connects": [
"connects": [
"connects": [
"connects": [
"connects": [
"connects": [
"role" : "Directed_Association",
"connects" : [
"from" : "from_task_event",
"to" : ["DataObject"]
"from" : "from_task_event",
"to" : ["DataStore"]
"from" : "from_task_event",
"to" : ["ITSystem"]
"from" : "DataObject",
"to" : ["to_task_event"]
"from" : "DataStore",
"to" : ["to_task_event"]
"from" : "ITSystem",
"to" : ["to_task_event"]
"from" : "IntermediateCompensationEventCatching",
"to" : ["to_task_event"]
"role" : "Association_Undirected",
"connects" : [
"from" : "SequenceFlow",
"to" : ["DataObject"]
"from" : "DataObject",
"to" : ["SequenceFlow"]
"from" : "DataObject",
"to" : ["MessageFlow"]
"from" : "MessageFlow",
"to" : ["DataObject"]
"from" : "ITSystem",
"to" : ["to_task_event"]
"from" : "from_task_event",
"to" : ["ITSystem"]
"from" : "DataStore",
"to" : ["to_task_event"]
"from" : "from_task_event",
"to" : ["DataStore"]
"from" : "fromtoall",
"to" : ["TextAnnotation"]
"from" : "TextAnnotation",
"to" : "fromtoall"
"from" : "Message",
"to" : ["MessageFlow"]
"from" : "MessageFlow",
"to" : ["Message"]
"from" : "Message",
"to" : ["ChoreographyElement"]
"from" : "ChoreographyElement",
"to" : ["Message"]
"from" : "ChoreographyElement",
"to" : ["TextAnnotation"]
"from" : "TextAnnotation",
"to" : "ChoreographyElement"
"from" : "ActivitiesMorph",
"to" : ["to_participant"]
"from" : "to_participant",
"to" : ["ActivitiesMorph"]
"containmentRules" : [
"role" : "BPMNDiagram",
"contains" : ["all"]
"role" : "EventSubprocess",
"contains" : [
"role" : "Pool",
"contains" : [
"role" : "Lane",
"contains" : ["all"]
"role" : "Subprocess",
"contains" : [
"role" : "AdHocSubprocess",
"contains" : [
"role" : "MultipleInstanceSubprocess",
"contains" : [
"role" : "MessageContainer",
"contains" : ["Message"]
"role" : "ChoreographyElement",
"contains" : ["ChoreographyParticipant"]
"role" : "ChoreographySubprocessExpanded",
"contains": [
"morphingRules": [
"role": "ActivitiesMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["Task"],
"preserveBounds" : true
"role": "EventActivitiesMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["CollapsedEventSubprocess"]
"role": "GatewaysMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["Exclusive_Databased_Gateway"]
"role": "StartEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["StartNoneEvent"],
"role": "IntermediateEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["IntermediateEvent"]
"role": "EndEventsMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["EndNoneEvent"]
"role": "TextAnnotationMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["TextAnnotation"]
"role": "DataObjectMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["DataObject"]
"role": "ConnectingObjectsMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["SequenceFlow"]
"role": "ChoreographyMorph",
"baseMorphs": ["ChoreographyTask"]
"role": "AssociationMorph",
"baseMorphs": [""]
"layoutRules" : [
"role": "ActivitiesMorph",
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
"ins": [{"edgeRole":"MessageFlow","t":2,
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
{"t":1, "r":2, "b":1, "l":2}]
"role": "EventActivitiesMorph",
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
"ins": [{"edgeRole":"MessageFlow","t":2,
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
{"t":1, "r":2, "b":1, "l":2}]
"role": "ChoreographyMorph",
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
"ins": [{"edgeRole":"MessageFlow","t":2,
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
{"t":1, "r":2, "b":1, "l":2}]
"role": "GatewaysMorph",
"outs": [{"t":2, "r":1, "b":2,
"role": "StartEventsMorph",
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
"ins": [{"edgeRole":"MessageFlow","t":2,
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
{"t":1, "r":2, "b":1, "l":2}]
"role": "IntermediateEventsMorph",
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
"ins": [{"edgeRole":"MessageFlow","t":2,
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
{"t":1, "r":2, "b":1, "l":2}]
"role": "EndEventsMorph",
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
"ins": [{"edgeRole":"MessageFlow","t":2,
"r":1, "b":2, "l":1},
{"t":1, "r":2, "b":1, "l":2}]