Thank for the answer, i am tring to deside if i shuld trigger the
rules with the flows or the flows with the rules, there any adventage
from one or the other? What about guvnor/QA ¿Can I make QA with the
I Have to eventually run a script (or call a web service), think that
add something like Camel, or ActiveMQ or ServiceMix to handleit is
overkilling since, the rule (or the flow) shuld deside what script
shuld run, the question is ¿shuld run the script from the rule or from
the flows?
Right now i think, that if for example the script is
"send_welcome_email" wich send a welcome email to a new customer, it
shudl run from a rule, since (right now) i don't know how to pass the
customer info to the flow.
2011/2/16 Mauricio Salatino <salaboy(a)>:
That's correct
You can trigger flows with rules and rules with flows. You can also use
Events as well mixed with both: rules and processes.
2011/2/16 Esteban Aliverti <esteban.aliverti(a)>
> Hi,
> Within the RHS of your rules you have an automagic object called kcontext.
> You can use it to start a process:
> Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
> parameters.put("someParameterId", someValue );
> ... //set all the parameters
> ProcessInstance pI =
> kcontext.getKnowledgeRuntime().startProcess("processId", parameters);
> Best Regards,
> Esteban Aliverti
> - Developer @
> - Blog @
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Luciano A. Andrade
> <andrade.luciano(a)> wrote:
>> Theres any way to triger a flow (process) from a Rule or shuld be
>> allway the flow that trigers the rules.
>> Maybe ¿Inserting a even fact?
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