Having several active processes ( parent + its subprocesses + subprocesses of
the parent subproccesses ):
mysql> select InstanceId, processId, state from processinstanceinfo;
| InstanceId | processId | state |
| 1 | main-flow | 1 |
| 2 | first-level-subprocess-flow | 1 |
| 3 | second-level-subprocess-flow | 1 |
Having a parent process instance ID, how to programmatically (using the out
of the box framework capabilities) find all _active_ subprocesses? [ of all
levels, e.g. including subprocesses of the parent subprocesses ]?
I would think that the answer is:
StatefulKnowledgeSession session =
knowledgeProvider.loadStatefulKnowledgeSession( sessionId );
WorkflowProcessInstance parentProcess = ( WorkflowProcessInstance )
session.getProcessInstance( processInstanceId );
for ( NodeInstance node : parentProcess.getNodeInstances() ) {
.... ... ...
But no, it only returns a one level of subprocesses.
So two(2) questions here:
1. How to programmatically, using OTB framework features get them?
2. Why does not processInstance"Info" have "Info" about a sub
like a PARENT_ID?
Thank you,
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