thanks for the answer, i found that the problem were some missing updates.
But now there's another issue:
In a node of the flow should take place an action also on NumeroRound, everytime just
once, incrementing its field by one.
The problem is: with the attribute "no-loop true", the flow freezes in that
flow-group, even if the update statement is present.
Obviously, without the attribute "no-loop true" it goes loop on the rule.
rule "query for results"
no-loop true
ruleflow-group "queryResult"
nRound : NumeroRound(n : numeroRound)
update( nRound );
The split and the join works fine now, as the modParams group evaluates twice. The problem
seems to be in the queryResult node that contains only the rule above. I will try to add
the audit logger to provide more informations.
Maybe, since the node queryResult have to take everytime one and only one action, i could
replace the node with an Action node. But if i do, i dont think i could be be able to
modify the field in the NumeroRound fact, could I? (note i need it as a fact as i use it
also in some LHS of other rules..)
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 14:51:49 +0200
From: Kris.Verlaenen(a)
To: rules-users(a)
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Ruleflow loop until condition
Not sure what the XOR constraint looks like exactly, but if you are
using a rule constraint and it is referencing the NumeroRound object in
working memory, are you notifying the engine when this number is changed
(as I didn't see any update statements in your rules).
To figure out what is going on exactly, I recommend adding an audit log
listener to your session (either to console or to file which can then be
visualized in eclipse as a tree). This will give you a clear idea on
which nodes have been triggered and why. For more information see the
docs here:
Quoting Alessandro Terrinoni <aleterrinoni(a)>:
> Hello
> I created a ruleflow like this one:
> And this is the rule package (rules are demonstrative only and one
> per group, but later on more will be added in each group.
> package package1
> #list any import classes here.
> ...
> #declare any global variables here
> ...
> rule "start workflow"
> salience 1000
> when
> eval (true)
> then
> System.out.println("matchata regola start");
> drools.getWorkingMemory().startProcess("rf_main");
> end
> rule "Preferenza"
> ruleflow-group "modParams"
> when
> nRound : NumeroRound( n : numeroRound)
> pw : PreferenceWrapper(round == n ,pref : preference)
> then
> pw.setRound(n+1);
> System.out.println("matchata regola pref");
> System.out.println("preferenza: "+ pref.getName());
> end
> rule "query for results"
> ruleflow-group "queryResult"
> when
> #conditions
> nRound : NumeroRound(n : numeroRound)
> then
> #actions
> System.out.println("matchata regola query");
> ...
> end
> rule "fasulla"
> ruleflow-group "fasullo"
> when
> eval (true)
> then
> #actions
> System.out.println("sei fasullo1");
> end
> In the ruleflow, the join node is XOR type.
> Split node is XOR type and checks with the object NumeroRound and the
> variable numeroRound which is an int. If it is big enough it exits,
> else continue to "fasullo" group
> the issue is that the matching goes through "modParams" group, then
> "queryResult" group, then "fasullo" group, but after that it
> instead of going angain in group "modParams". Note that it doesnt
> finish the execution, it waits something.
> What is wrong with this ruleflow?
> thanks in advance,
> Alessandro Terrinoni
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