I have application similar to nurse rostering. You have projects,
resources and dates. You assign resource on date to project (thus you
have an assignment).
Now, I have rule that is supposed to keep assignments "together". Most
of the assignments are indeed kept together with some few but very nasty
I have attached the image (Schedule.png) to visualize this. In the image
you see assignments for Project 9 being planed en block from 13. July
till 20. July (green box at the bottom). But then there are couple of
assignments (above, underlined in red on 2. January and on 22. February)
totally "out of the row".
I attempt to "pull" assignments together with this rule:
rule "penalize assignment dispersion to goLive"
$project : Project(goLive != null)
$furthestAssignment : Assignment(project == $project, interval
!= null, $project.goLive.compareTo(interval.end) >= 0)
not Assignment(id > $furthestAssignment.id, project ==
$project, interval != null, $project.goLive.compareTo(interval.end) >=
0, distanceToGoLive >= $furthestAssignment.distanceToGoLive)
insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence("penalizing
assignment dispersion", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT,
$project) );
There are number of other rules. The ones checking hard constraints are
trivial and I will just omit them, the soft constraint rules might have
impact on this issue although unlikely (I removed all the other soft
constraint rules and still got similar weird result). Here are the other
rule "penalize assignment with the resource without the capability
required by project option"
$projectOption : ProjectOption()
$penalizedAssignments : Number(intValue > 0)
from accumulate ( Assignment($penalizedAssignment : this,
project == $projectOption.project, resource != null,
resource.capabilities not contains $projectOption.name),
count($penalizedAssignment) )
insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence("there are
assignments with the resource without the capability required by project
option", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT,
$penalizedAssignments.intValue(), $projectOption,
$penalizedAssignments) );
rule "penalize assignment with the resource without the capability
required by project constraint"
$projectConstraint : ProjectConstraint()
$penalizedAssignments : Number(intValue > 0)
from accumulate ( Assignment($penalizedAssignment : this,
project == $projectConstraint.project, resource != null,
resource.capabilities not contains $projectConstraint.name),
count($penalizedAssignment) )
insertLogical( new IntConstraintOccurrence("there are
assignments with the resource without the capability required by project
constraint", ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT,
$penalizedAssignments.intValue(), $projectConstraint,
$penalizedAssignments) );
Am using Drools Planer 5.3. and biting out my teeth on this issue for
about 3 moth already. Any help is worth half the kingdom to me right now.
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