Yes.. make sure that all the variables that you use at least in the left
hand side of the expressions are declared.. so when you us it again it will
be there..
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 12:19 AM, Greg Barton <greg_barton(a)> wrote:
My, aren't we snippy?
OK, well if you read this then note that those rules shouldn't work in any
environment for the reason previously stated. (Use of an undeclared
variable in the RHS.) If they are working then something odd is going on,
and since you say they are then...something odd is going on.
BTW, the error you're getting now is an mvel error:
Since you're currently getting it for "$severity" and not just
even though the former does not currently appear in your rule...well that's
the odd bit I mentioned before. Somewhere $severity (along with $weight,
$factor, and $tempScore) is being declared, but it's not in the text of the
rule as you've provided it.
On Dec 3, 2010, at 19:07, "John McKim" <jmckim(a)> wrote:
First off, yes, I am an expert Java programmer, not just a Drools expert -
yet. If you took the time to read the post, you would have found that the
answer that was provided to me “DIDN’T WORK”. Never mind, I’ll figure it
out myself. Goodby! From: rules-users-bounces(a) [mailto:
rules-users-bounces(a)] On Behalf Of Greg Barton
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 7:26 PM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Rules in App Server Error You made the same
error in three other places. Fix them. Are you familiar with the java
On Dec 3, 2010, at 15:15, "John McKim" <jmckim(a)> wrote:Thanks
for the reply Mauricio. I tried what you said using this modified
rule: rule "medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis rule"salience 20
when # find patients who indicated that they have
MedicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors: gastritis $patient :
Patient(medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis > 0) then
String severity = $patient.medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis;
$weight = 5; $factor = .1; $tempScore =
$factor; $tempScore = $tempScore * $weight; $tempScore =
$tempScore * $severity; # Now add this risk score to the accumlated
risk score $patient.score = $patient.score + $tempScore;
$patient.problem = new
String("MedicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis");end But I got this
exception in the client (I
am using 5.1.1 by the way): Exception in thread "Thread-4"
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to build expression for 'consequence':
[Error: Failed to compile: 1 compilation error(s): - (1,9) unqualified type
in strict mode for: $severity][Near : {... Unknown ....}]
^[Line: 1, Column: 0] ' String severity =
$patient.medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis; $weight =
5; $factor = .1; $tempScore = $factor; $tempScore =
$tempScore * $weight; $tempScore = $tempScore * $severity; //
Now add this risk score to the accumlated risk score $patient.score =
$patient.score + $tempScore; $patient.problem = new
String("MedicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis");' : [Rule
name='medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis rule'] at
I took out the String severity and used just $severity: it works fine.
Just on the App server does it fail. From:
rules-users-bounces(a) [mailto:
rules-users-bounces(a)] On Behalf Of Mauricio Salatino
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 3:36 PM
To: Rules Users List
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Rules in App Server Error that's weird.. you are
using a varible that you never define in the Right Hand Side.
$severity was never defined. In the RHS remember that you can write pure
java. So if you want a variable called severity you should declare it as:
String severity = $patient.medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis;
Greetings. 2010/12/3 John McKim <jmckim(a)>I'm having a problem
that I can't seem to figure out. I have rules that run in a client program
with no problem - about 125 rules in all. When I try to run these same
rules in an App Server (GlassFish) I get several rules (about 5) that have
an error on initialization. Here is the error message followed by the rule.
SEVERE: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to build expression for
'consequence': [Error: not a statement, or badly formed structure]
[Near : {... $severity;
[Line: 1, Column: 233] ' $severity =
$weight = 5;
$factor = .1;
$tempScore = $factor;
$tempScore = $tempScore * $weight;
$tempScore = $tempScore * $severity;
// Now add this risk score to the accumlated risk score
$patient.score = $patient.score + $tempScore;
$patient.problem = new
' : [Rule name='medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis rule']
rule "medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis rule"
salience 20
# find patients who indicated that they have
MedicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors: gastritis
$patient : Patient(medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis > 0)
$severity = $patient.medicalHistoryBleedingRiskFactors.gastritis;
$weight = 5;
$factor = .1;
$tempScore = $factor;
$tempScore = $tempScore * $weight;
$tempScore = $tempScore * $severity;
# Now add this risk score to the accumlated risk score
$patient.score = $patient.score + $tempScore;
$patient.problem = new
end As I said, this rule runs fine in a client app – when I run the same
rules in app server I get an error. This is only happening in 5 out of 125
rules, and only during initialization using
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