I can't seem to re-create the below in BRL (entry-point + accumulate)
I want to combine an entry-point and an accumulate function such as (the
below is DRL, which works)
*rule "GSS-Sev1-Monitor"*
* no-loop true*
* dialect "mvel"*
* when*
* $ticketStatistics : TicketStatistics( $ID : ID == null )*
* accumulate($supportTicket:SupportTicket( ticketStatisticsID ==
$ID , severity == "Sev-1" ) over window:time (5m) from entry-point
"gss-support-stream", $num : count( $supportTicket ))*
* then*
* $ticketStatistics.currentTicketCount = $num;*
* update( $ticketStatistics );*
* end*
I can't seem to re-create this in Guvnor (BRL)
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