I'm using Drools Flow 5, I have N Message events waiting for a signal to be started,
I want to launch a Timer in the beginning of my WorkFlow, if one of the event is received,
then I want to stop the Timer and execute my workflow, else I want to execute another
branch of my workflow.
For example :
1- Start
- Launch the Timer of 30s
- Wait for a Message (external event)
2- Case 1 : External event received before 30s
- Execute SubProcess 1 and stop the Timer
Case 2 : Timer reached 30s
- Execute SubProecss 2 and ignore the external event
How can I stop the Timer when the case 1 is verified ? Can I do such as thing with Drools
Flow ?
In my current implementation even when the case 1 is verified, after the 30s the
subProcess2 is also executed !
Did someone implement such us thing
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