DataManager SessionLocal Adapter
by Kris Borchers
After a week of writing hundreds of lines of code and struggling with separation of store instances within local and session storage, I had an epiphany. I deleted all of that work and in a couple of hours, wrote the adapter as an extension of the memory adapter in about 30 or 40 LOC. I would appreciate a review and any additional unit tests you guys would like to contribute as I'm sure there are a number of situations that could still be covered by tests.
12 years, 2 months
[AEROGEAR-574] Updating the AS-Quickstarts
by Sebastien Blanc
Hi all,
Related to Jira 574 [1] and the as-quickstarts repo [2], I would like to
ask your opinion about the folders name. Currently we have :
- helloword-html5
- kitchensink-cordova
- kitchensink-html5-mobile
Now, we will add quickstarts using the aerogear libraries, so we will have
- helloword-html5
- helloword-aerogear
- kitchensink-cordova
- kitchensink-html5-mobile
- kitchensink-aerogear
But the suffix "aerogear" is maybe a bit too generic as we are talking here
about "web" quickstarts, so what for suffix should add ? js ? web ? html5
for instance with js :
- helloword-html5
- helloword-aerogear-js
- kitchensink-cordova
- kitchensink-html5-mobile
- kitchensink-aerogear-js
So in the future we could have kitchensink-aerogear-ios , etc ...
kitchensink-cordova has a shared "www" folder, so I'm not sure how to split
this in a smart way but that can maybe wait a bit.
12 years, 2 months
auto config for all endpoints (was: Re: Automatic Endpoint Config)
by Matthias Wessendorf
...taking a (maybe) longer discussion to the ML...
I added this comment: "global config for all endpoints, hrm..."
Kris replied:
We can talk about that. It could be all endpoints, it could be only
specific endpoints that the server wants opened up to all clients, or
particular clients if we setup some API key or something to determine
what client is requesting resources. This probably needs more input
from others
so, yeah - being flexible here is a good thought!
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Kris Borchers <kris(a)> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> In last week's meeting, I said that I would put together a write-up/proposal
> for a method of automatically configuring client side connections to server
> resources based on a config provided by the server when the app loads. The
> gist below is the beginning of that proposal. It is very JavaScript biased
> but I hope it starts a lot of conversation and contribution to fill out the
> details for the iOS and Android side as well.
> This started out as an idea to send config info in a header but after some
> discussions, it was determined that a separate call to an endpoint would be
> a better solution and would work easier with more server implementations as
> well as for iOS and Android libraries.
> Please feel free to leave comments in the gist or send them to the list.
> Thanks!
> Kris
> _______________________________________________
> aerogear-dev mailing list
> aerogear-dev(a)
Matthias Wessendorf
12 years, 2 months
Automatic Endpoint Config
by Kris Borchers
Hey folks,
In last week's meeting, I said that I would put together a write-up/proposal for a method of automatically configuring client side connections to server resources based on a config provided by the server when the app loads. The gist below is the beginning of that proposal. It is very JavaScript biased but I hope it starts a lot of conversation and contribution to fill out the details for the iOS and Android side as well.
This started out as an idea to send config info in a header but after some discussions, it was determined that a separate call to an endpoint would be a better solution and would work easier with more server implementations as well as for iOS and Android libraries.
Please feel free to leave comments in the gist or send them to the list.
12 years, 2 months
Query/Paging Brainstorm
by Douglas Campos
As we discussed on our team meeting today, having basic query and pagination support would be cool.
Here are some suggestions, gathered from previous conversations around the topic, and from some BaaS providers in the wild.
1) /cars/?limit=10&offset=3
2) /cars/?limit=10&skip=3
1) /cars/query?color=blue
2) /cars/?query={"color":"red", "owner":"summers"}
3) /cars/?where={"brand":"BMW"}
4) /cars/?query={"engine":{"cylinders": 8}}
5) /cars/?query={"engine":{"cylinders":{"$gt":6}}}
This is not set into stone, just ideas, and I do think that anything above exact matches should go after 1.0
-- qmx
12 years, 2 months