Hi everyone,
While trying out 4.0.0.CR6 I've discovered that my code is affected by
https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HHH-6780 .
There isn't a fix version on this issue. Would it be possible to get
the fix into the next CR or or 4.0.0.Final? It does seem quite broken
at the moment.
The javadoc for org.hibernate.Transaction says:
* Set the transaction timeout for any transaction started by a
subsequent call to {@link #begin} on this instance.
* @param seconds The number of …
[View More]seconds before a timeout.
public void setTimeout(int seconds);
but instead seconds is treated as an absolute time.
Lukasz Antoniak has created a pull request at:
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Hey, guys,
I created the simplest hbm mapping and try to build session factory(full
project attached, Hibernate-core4.0.0.CR6):
/new MetadataSources(
new ServiceRegistryBuilder().configure()
And I get this exception(full log attached):
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 5; columnNumber:
26; cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
[View More]at
When I build session factory using old syntax
/new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();/
it works only with DTD schema(not 100% sure I found a correct header to
use xsd for hibernate.cfg.xml):
This seems like a bug, or I do something wrong?
Dmitry Geraskov
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what should I do? there is no "resolve" button/link, is this a jira bug?
Best Regards,
Strong Liu <stliu at hibernate.org>
Hi all,
I'm having a chat with Hardy about how we used the Logger in some
cases, and it turns out there's some confusion about
log.debugf vs log.debug
log.tracef vs log.trace
So the "F" variant is needed when we want to format a message, in this
case we should make sure the number of parameters matches exactly.
Also when the string is generated, like in the case of:
it's very important that we do …
[View More]NOT use the formatting method, but just
a plain "log.debug( string )", otherwise it might happen at runtime
that the dynamically generated string contains some characters which
the String formatter might want interpret as placeholders, which are
missing. (HHH-6817)
In practice, it seems like a bad idea to allow a dynamically generated
formatting string at all; formatting strings as defined on the Logger
interface are safer;
In case a dynamically generated message is to be generated, we should
all make sure to pick the correct method signature; we're wondering if
there could be a reasonable proposal to make the checks of the
annotation processor stricter and validate for this, but there are
some (rare) valid use cases so just throwing compilation errors would
be nasty.
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As part of a fix for HHH-5222, I changed LockMode.OPTIMISTIC +
LockMode.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT to be higher values than
LockMode.READ. This helps the case where the user starts with a READ
lock and later upgrades to LockMode.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT.
Previously, we would of only handled an upgrade from LockMode.OPTIMISTIC
This test passes with mysql51 and postgresql84 matrix profiles. If it
fails for other databases, we either need more …
[View More]locking primitives in
that databases dialect or the database needs more features (we should
exclude that dialect from the test).
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I am going to put releasing 4.0.0.CR7 until after the Thanksgiving
holiday. So rather than 11/23, it will be done 11/30.
Sorry for any difficulties.
Hi all,
the Apache Lucene community is voting for the release of Lucene
version 3.5.0; we are using 3.4.0 in Hibernate Search 4.0.0.CR2.
When we migrated to 3.4 from 3.1 and 3.2, it was a nice drop-in
replacement containing mostly bugfixes and performance improvements.
3.5 actually changed some APIs, making it impossible for people to
drop it in as a replacement for the older version, and also contains a
several nice-to-have bugfixes and improvements.
Shall we upgrade now, or during 4.1 ? …
[View More]After a quick look, I'd suggest
4.1 as some of the changes are non-trivial.
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