Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate as JPA persistence-provider in SAP Netweaver
by De Silva Jayasinghe, Robin
Hi Steve!
> We are aware that the Hibernate SessionFactory attempts to obtain a Connection
> during its construction in order to query the JDBC metadata, yes.
> I think you may be slightly confused (it seems that way to me anyway). The
> connection obtained during construction of a SessionFactory has absolutely
> nothing to do with the connections used by sessions.
I accept the fact that the connection obtained by SessionFactory is in no relation to the one used by the …
[View More]Session. However, Table 2 in chapter 4.5.2 of "EJB 3.0 Core Contracts and Requirements" states that during dependency injection in a SLSB the access to ResourceManager is not allowed. We interpret this part of the spec in a way that a SLSB is not allowed to access to any resources (including datasources). Of course we accept the fact that you might interpret the spec in a different way. I only want to raise some awareness that Hibernate in its current state does not run as smooth as it could on Netweaver.
Best Regards,
Robin de Silva Jayasinghe
Software Developer
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