This code is 8 years old so no I did not remember.
I did some archeology. The Git migration slots all of that history so I
had to fire up svn.
svn checkout
svn annotate src/test/java/org/hibernate/test/annotations/cid/
svn log -r 11058 src/test/java/org/hibernate/test/annotations/cid/
svn log | grep -C 3 ANN-492
Anyways, it is related to the following:
It looks like a combination of the following:
- the old code was not able to get the annotation metadata from the
entity. It was getting the metadata from the id class. Against the
spec but it was a tough bug to fix
- Goeffrey had a problem and contributed the test
- the test passed a future version of annotations when I applied it
- I left it here as coverage
On Thu 2014-03-27 11:59, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
No idea. I think Emmanuel had a better understanding of the derived
identifier logic.
On 27 Jan 2014, at 06:26, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)> wrote:
> What's the rational for supporting the following?
> @Entity
> class Product {
> ...
> }
> @Entity
> class Order {
> ...
> }
> @Entity
> @IdClass(...)
> class OrderLine {
> @Id
> private Order order;
> @Id
> private Product product;
> }
> Specifically, the declaration of the OrderLine primary key. Why would
> these not have to be `@Id @ManyToOne`?
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