So your repo is still trying to use Hibernate 4.3.8. So I cannot reproduce
On top of that, it uses tons of dependencies not needed for a simple bug
On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 5:58 AM, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)> wrote:
So on export the tables simply are not created due to lack of
So that explains why they are not found later.
On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 5:56 AM, Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>
> Well there is a gigantic comment in org.hibernate.tool.schema.
> extract.internal.*legacy*.DatabaseInformationImpl that says how the
> is not used, and why :)
> The problem is the HHH000262 log statement. That is saying that the
> tables are not found querying the database metadata.
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:34 AM, Petar Tahchiev <paranoiabla(a)>
> wrote:
>> Just a quick follow-up here: SchemaMigratorImpl:125 is calling
>> existingDatabase.getTableInformation where existingDatabase is of type
>> org.hibernate.tool.schema.extract.internal.*legacy*.DatabaseInformationImpl
>> (I have no idea why is it using the legacy one), and If I step into it I
>> can see it's using a tableInformationMap which is empty - really weird as I
>> can see before that the hbm2ddl was reporting tables were not found so I
>> was expecting it to create them:
>> 2015-04-06 09:29:40,608
>> [main] INFO : HHH000262: Table not found: warehouse
>> 2015-04-06 09:29:40,610
>> [main] INFO : HHH000262: Table not found: widget_title_lv
>> 2015-04-06 09:29:40,614
>> [main] INFO : HHH000262: Table not found: wishlist
>> 2015-04-06 09:29:40,618
>> [main] INFO : HHH000262: Table not found: wishlist_entry
>> 2015-04-06 09:29:40,622
>> [main] INFO : HHH000262: Table not found: working_day
>> I'll try to create a test that reproduces the problem
>> 2015-04-06 5:20 GMT+03:00 Steve Ebersole <steve(a)>:
>>> I see you have a test repository reproducing the error. I will try to
>>> run from there.
>>> On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 3:02 AM, Petar Tahchiev <paranoiabla(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve,
>>>> the test project that I created still fails with the latest SNAPSHOT
>>>> release, although the foreign keys are not created. Can you please
>>>> investigate if that is related to the same issue. The test repository is
>>>> here:
>>>> 2015-04-03 16:15 GMT+03:00 Emmanuel Bernard
>>>>> Steve, I think there is something fishy.
>>>>> I have created a branch with a blatant usage of a JDK 8 API in
>>>>> hibernate-core
>>>>> There is one commit above today’s master:
>>>>> protected EmptyInterceptor() {
>>>>> + final java.time.ZoneId id =
>>>>> java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault();
>>>>> + System.out.println( id.getId() );
>>>>> }
>>>>> >
>>>>> And when I run ./gradlew clean build
>>>>> things do pass, i.e. Animal Sniffer is either not executed or it
>>>>> not make the build fail. I did not see any Animal Sniffer reference
in the
>>>>> console while it was running.
>>>>> Does it do the same for you if you clone my branch?
>>>>> Emmanuel
>>>>> PS: 18 mins here on a Mac + SSD. I guess Linux beats the crap out of
>>>>> Mac on FindBug executions ;)
>>>>> > On 01 Apr 2015, at 18:09, Steve Ebersole
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I'm not going to argue with you man. AnimalSniffer *is*
run. If
>>>>> you don't
>>>>> > believe that and don't want to verify it for yourself, oh
>>>>> nothing I
>>>>> > can do about that...
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:32 AM, Gunnar Morling <
>>>>> gunnar(a)> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> Hum, you are not April-fooling me, right ;)
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> There is something Java-8-specific in already: the usage of
>>>>> >> ConcurrentHashMap#keySet() (in
>>>>> >> SessionFactoryImpl#iterateEntityNameResolvers()) which -
>>>>> compiled on
>>>>> >> Java 8 - adds a reference to the Java-8-only type KeySetView
>>>>> the class
>>>>> >> file of SessionFactoryImpl. That's the issue pointed out
by Petar
>>>>> >> originally.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> But when running "./gradlew build" on the current
master, the build
>>>>> >> passes. I would expect it to fail though, as AnimalSniffer
>>>>> detect
>>>>> >> that usage of Java 8's KeySetView class. So I don't
see that AS is
>>>>> executed
>>>>> >> actually? Or are you saying it is run but it's findings
>>>>> cause the
>>>>> >> build to fail?
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> If I go back to the original approach of using AS (via git
>>>>> >> 5f6d1~1), it behaves as I'd expect it: "./gradlew
build" fails due
>>>>> to that
>>>>> >> reference from
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Do you actually see the build on master fail due to that
>>>>> being
>>>>> >> discovered by AS?
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> 2015-04-01 15:03 GMT+02:00 Steve Ebersole
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>> Gunnar, it is applied. Add something that is java 8
specific and
>>>>> see...
>>>>> >>> On Apr 1, 2015 7:59 AM, "Gunnar Morling"
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>> I saw the plug-in, Steve. But how/when is it
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> Running "./gradlew build" used to execute
AnimalSniffer and
>>>>> would have
>>>>> >>>> revealed that accidental usage of KeySetView.
That's not the
>>>>> case anymore.
>>>>> >>>> It would be nice if that new plug-in could be
>>>>> automatically after
>>>>> >>>> compileJava as it used to be the case with the
>>>>> approach.
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>> 2015-04-01 13:48 GMT+02:00 Steve Ebersole
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>> Increase your Gradle-fu we must young apprentice
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> AnimalSniffer is still run. I simply converted
it to be a
>>>>> plugin.
>>>>> >>>>> Check out
>>>>> in ORM's
>>>>> >>>>> /buildSrc project
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> AnimalSniffer will apparently not detect this
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:32 AM, Gunnar Morling
>>>>> gunnar(a)>
>>>>> >>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> Currently, AnimalSniffer is in place to
prevent this very
>>>>> category
>>>>> >>>>>> of error and I'm wondering why it
didn't detect the "usage" of
>>>>> KeySetView.
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> Looked at this a bit closer. Turns out,
AnimalSniffer *will*
>>>>> detect
>>>>> >>>>>> this issue if it actually is run. The
problem is that AS
>>>>> apparently is
>>>>> >>>>>> not executed by default anymore, due to the
recent change to
>>>>> how AS is used
>>>>> >>>>>> [1].
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> Prior to that change, running AS was done
automatically after
>>>>> the compileJava
>>>>> >>>>>> task and would have reported that usage of
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> Undefined reference:
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> in
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> Unfortunately my Gradle Foo is rather
limited, so I'm not sure
>>>>> how to
>>>>> >>>>>> re-establish that behaviour with the new AS
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> --Gunnar
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> [1]
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>> 2015-04-01 9:39 GMT+02:00 Gunnar Morling
>>>>> >:
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> 2015-04-01 2:21 GMT+02:00 Steve Ebersole
>>>>> >:
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Just to clarify... I *think* that
as long as we run the
>>>>> build with
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Java 8
>>>>> >>>>>>>> and set the bootclasspath to 6 or 7
we should be fine.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> Yes, setting the boot classpath to 6 (or
7) makes sure you
>>>>> only use
>>>>> >>>>>>> classes present in that JDK (be it
explicitly or implicitly
>>>>> as in the
>>>>> >>>>>>> ConcurrentHashMap case), because
it's that class library
>>>>> which will be used
>>>>> >>>>>>> for compilation then. It is cumbersome
to use though as you
>>>>> need to specify
>>>>> >>>>>>> the location of a 6 or 7 JDK which makes
the build less
>>>>> easily portable
>>>>> >>>>>>> between machines.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> Currently, AnimalSniffer is in place to
prevent this very
>>>>> category of
>>>>> >>>>>>> error and I'm wondering why it
didn't detect the "usage" of
>>>>> KeySetView. It
>>>>> >>>>>>> really should have detected it, assuming
it analyses the byte
>>>>> code of
>>>>> >>>>>>> classes. But this makes me wonder now
whether it only
>>>>> analyses the source
>>>>> >>>>>>> code actually. Then it wouldn't be
usable to prevent this
>>>>> sort of issue.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>> Coding against the ConcurrentMap
interface is the best way to
>>>>> avoid
>>>>> >>>>>>> the issue. But of course there is no
guarantee that it
>>>>> happens again,
>>>>> >>>>>>> unless e.g. having a build on CI which
uses 6 or 7 on its
>>>>> boot classpath.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 7:13 PM,
Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> steve(a)>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Well the idea is to run the
Gradle process with Java 8 (the
>>>>> build
>>>>> >>>>>>>> itself
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> is a Java process too don't
forget). We pass in the older
>>>>> JDK
>>>>> >>>>>>>> specifically
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> to be able to set the
bootclasspath for compilation and the
>>>>> >>>>>>>> executable for
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> running tests. That's the
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Interestingly I developed a
simplified project to test these
>>>>> >>>>>>>> theories:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> And of
>>>>> course this
>>>>> >>>>>>>> all
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> works there. As you'd
expect right?
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I think the JAXB thing comes
into play here as well.
>>>>> Gradle does
>>>>> >>>>>>>> not have
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> any XJC support built in, so we
have to make use of its Ant
>>>>> >>>>>>>> support to run
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> the XJC Ant tasks for JAXB model
generation. The problem
>>>>> there is
>>>>> >>>>>>>> that,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> afaik, there is no way to tell
Gradle's AntBuilder to use a
>>>>> JDK
>>>>> >>>>>>>> other than
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> the one that launched Gradle. I
think this is why we see a
>>>>> JAXB
>>>>> >>>>>>>> model
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> defined for Java 7, rather than
Java 6, because we
>>>>> essentially run
>>>>> >>>>>>>> XJC with
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Java 8.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Anyway, this certainly makes the
build more complex and we
>>>>> >>>>>>>> definitely have
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> to think through all these
scenarios. In fact after Beta1,
>>>>> one of
>>>>> >>>>>>>> my todos
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> is to build up the build
"from scratch" using that
>>>>> >>>>>>>> gradle-mixed-jdk project
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> as a basis.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> In general the plan though is to
run all the tests (other
>>>>> than
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> hibernate-java8, obviously) with
the "baseline JDK, whether
>>>>> that
>>>>> >>>>>>>> be Java 6
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> or 7.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 6:59 PM,
Sanne Grinovero <
>>>>> >>>>>>>> sanne(a)>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> There are many similar
issues discussed on the Lucene
>>>>> developer's
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> mailing list, it's an
interesting read:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I see no alternative than to
have those test jobs actually
>>>>> >>>>>>>> exercising
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ORM with JDK6, or maybe even
compile it all with JDK6
>>>>> except the
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Java8
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> additional module to be
compiled with JDK8 ?
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On 1 April 2015 at 00:36,
Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> steve(a)>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Ahh, seems this may be
an option to work around it:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> <quote>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Using the general *Map*
interface in place of the concrete
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> *ConcurrentHashMap* type
here side-steps the coupling to
>>>>> the
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Java 8
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> return
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> type and will allow this
code to be compiled with Java 8
>>>>> and
>>>>> >>>>>>>> run on
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Java 7.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> </quote>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I had missed that part.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at
6:34 PM, Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> >>>>>>>> steve(a)>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> When I say
"internal" here, I mean internal to java
>>>>> classes.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015
at 6:30 PM, Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> >>>>>>>> steve(a)>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope. It just
effects any code compiled with Java 8
>>>>> even
>>>>> >>>>>>>> though the
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> change is
internal. The problem is the generated
>>>>> bytecode
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> incorporates
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> this change.
Like I said, this should be compiled
>>>>> with 1.6
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> compatibility,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> but that is
apparently not working atm. I am having a
>>>>> >>>>>>>> struggle
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> getting a
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> mixed JDK build
working "just right".
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 31,
2015 at 6:28 PM, Petar Tahchiev <
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> paranoiabla(a)>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> According to
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notably the
Java 1.7 *ConcurrentHashMap#keySet()*
>>>>> returns a
>>>>> >>>>>>>> Set<K>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
1.8*ConcurrentHashMap#keySet()* returns a
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think
you're using some Java8 API.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-04-01
2:25 GMT+03:00 Petar Tahchiev <
>>>>> >>>>>>>> paranoiabla(a)>:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
petar@petar-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:~$ java -version
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java
version "1.7.0_71"
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Java(TM)
SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_71-b14)
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Java
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.71-b01,
>>>>> mixed
>>>>> >>>>>>>> mode)
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
petar@petar-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon:~$ uname -a
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Linux
petar-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon 3.16.0-33-generic
>>>>> #44-Ubuntu
>>>>> >>>>>>>> SMP Thu
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Mar
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12
12:19:35 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2015-04-01 2:21 GMT+03:00 Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> >>>>>>>> steve(a)>:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What
JRE are you trying to use? This error:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.util.concurrent.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
indicative of an issue in cross-jre support due
>>>>> to a
>>>>> >>>>>>>> change
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
internal to java classes.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On
Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Petar Tahchiev <
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> paranoiabla(a)
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Thanks Steve,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I managed to migrate my configuration to the new
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
MetamodelImplementor. Now when I run the scema
>>>>> export I
>>>>> >>>>>>>> get a lot
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> of these
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
INFO : HHH000400: Using dialect:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : JDBC Driver reports it stores quoted
>>>>> identifiers
>>>>> >>>>>>>> in both
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> mixed
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
and upper case
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
WARN : HHH000072: Duplicate joins for class:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
and when I run some test I get the following
>>>>> exception:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.fireMerge(
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.merge(
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.merge(
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2015-04-01 1:23 GMT+03:00 Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> >>>>>>>> steve(a)>:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am told that
the bug does not affect the
>>>>> >>>>>>>> JBoss->Central sync
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> process. So at
some point the artifacts should
>>>>> all be
>>>>> >>>>>>>> available
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> in Central
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 31,
2015 at 5:19 PM, Steve Ebersole <
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> steve(a)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
hibernate-core seems to be the only artifact that
>>>>> is
>>>>> >>>>>>>> available
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JBoss Nexus.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar
31, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Steve Ebersole <
steve(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So
apparently the artifacts / repo issue is a
>>>>> Nexus
>>>>> >>>>>>>> bug that is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effecting
the JBoss repo (and therefore us)...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I
pointed out in the announcement, I am
>>>>> managing the
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> "migration
guide" in source repo while I develop the
>>>>> Betas. See
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far
are the new bootstrapping apis, see
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue,
Mar 31, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Petar Tahchiev <
paranoiabla(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
just tried the latest beta and I cannot
>>>>> compile my
>>>>> >>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With
latest hibernate 4.3.X I was able to do this:
final org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration
>>>>> >>>>>>>> configuration =
final SchemaUpdate schemaUpdate = new
however it seems that the SchemaUpdate
>>>>> constructor
>>>>> >>>>>>>> has been
removed and now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a new
one is added:
public SchemaUpdate(MetadataImplementor
>>>>> metadata)
>>>>> >>>>>>>> {
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
metadata );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also
the configuration.buildMappings() method
>>>>> has been
deprecated. Where do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I get
the MetadataImplementor from? Also is
>>>>> there any
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> changelog I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
Regards, Petar!
Karlovo, Bulgaria.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
Public PGP Key at:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Key
Fingerprint: A369 A7EE 61BC 93A3 CDFF 55A5
>>>>> 1965
>>>>> >>>>>>>> 8550 C311
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0611
hibernate-dev mailing list
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Regards, Petar!
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Karlovo, Bulgaria.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Public PGP Key at:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Key Fingerprint: A369 A7EE 61BC 93A3 CDFF 55A5
>>>>> 1965 8550
>>>>> >>>>>>>> C311
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 0611
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karlovo,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Public
PGP Key at:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Key
Fingerprint: A369 A7EE 61BC 93A3 CDFF 55A5 1965
>>>>> 8550
>>>>> >>>>>>>> C311 0611
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karlovo,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Public PGP
Key at:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Key
Fingerprint: A369 A7EE 61BC 93A3 CDFF 55A5 1965
>>>>> 8550
>>>>> >>>>>>>> C311 0611
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> hibernate-dev mailing
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>> hibernate-dev mailing list
>>>>> >>>>>>>> hibernate-dev(a)
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>>> > hibernate-dev mailing list
>>>>> > hibernate-dev(a)
>>>>> >
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> hibernate-dev mailing list
>>>>> hibernate-dev(a)
>>>> --
>>>> Regards, Petar!
>>>> Karlovo, Bulgaria.
>>>> ---
>>>> Public PGP Key at:
>>>> Key Fingerprint: A369 A7EE 61BC 93A3 CDFF 55A5 1965 8550 C311 0611
>> --
>> Regards, Petar!
>> Karlovo, Bulgaria.
>> ---
>> Public PGP Key at:
>> Key Fingerprint: A369 A7EE 61BC 93A3 CDFF 55A5 1965 8550 C311 0611