On Wed, Dec 09, 2015 at 03:12:54PM +0200, Vlad Mihalcea wrote:
Is there any change we host the docs on
hibernate.org and simply
the old pages from
That would be an option I guess. Host the documentation somewhere else. I am sure
we discussed this before, but I cannot remember the outcome.
hibernate.org. The website is build via Awestruct from this repo
https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate.org and pushed to GitHub Pages for hosting.
The simplest solution would be to add the documentation to the site, but
that might blow up the repository too much and make syncs to production too slow.
I am not familar whether one could upload the documentation to GitHub Pages
into a separate directory. I am not familiar on what and what not can be done
Either way, the upload of new documentation needs to be scriptable, since pretty
much all Hibernate projects have a script of some form to upload the documentation
of a release to documentation server.