I don't understand how moving annotations in a separate jar would help you. You're
weighting removing a jar vs adding one line in a configuration file unless I misunderstood
your issue.
On 29 févr. 2012, at 15:11, Sven Rienstra wrote:
Hi all,
We've just migrated some of our products from Hibernate 3 to Hibernate 4. We ran into
some problems because Envers is now automatically starting when it is on the classpath. I
think this is a really nice feature, however in our case most of our products need Envers
on the classpath even though only some product are actually using Envers. This is because
we have made a common data model which is used by most of our products, some of these
model classes have @Audited annotations, so Envers is required on the classpath.
We now explicitly turned of Envers in products where it is not needed, but it would be
nice if there was a separate jar containing only the annotations. Not exclusively for
Envers, but a jar containing all Hibernate annotations.
Do you guys think this is a good idea?
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