Also appears that AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.serviceList is a mutable
object and accessed through a mutable object reference.
AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.serviceList should also be changed to an
immutable object reference (final and let
AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.destroy just clear it).
Something also needs to be done to make updates to the
AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.serviceList object thread safe (used to
ensure services are destroyed in reverse order). Maybe Steve should
make this change, so he can choose the concurrent data structure (maybe
CopyOnWriteArrayList?) Or maybe rolling our own concurrent ArrayList
for needs like this.
I'd jump on IRC but the place I'm at this week, seems to be blocking
freenode irc...
On 06/22/2011 11:30 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
Good point, it should be "final".
I'll make that change (if not done already).
On 06/22/2011 11:20 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
> Could it be some thread concurrency visibility?
> Since it's a concurrent hashmap, I'd venture it's accessed concurrently
> Try and make the variable final (or volatile) to ensure proper visibility across
> On 22 juin 2011, at 02:44, Scott Marlow wrote:
>> I'm not sure if we will see this NPE again but found the location
>> interesting. I wanted to report the failure in case it happens again in
>> the future or anyone else is interested in playing detective for
>> mysteries like this. ;)
>> The exception call stack is here
>> It looks to me like AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.serviceBindingMap is
>> null for some reason. It makes me wonder if
>> AbstractServiceRegistryImpl.destroy() was called prematurely for some
>> reason (for some unexpected reason).
>> I wanted to mention the NPE here in case it happens again, so we can see
>> what is in common with this one. Next time, we will have to capture the
>> AS server.log output which might have additional clues but didn't this time.
>> Scott
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