Max Bowsher wrote:
Hi Max.
Chris Bredesen wrote:
> and it creates them with
> the assumption that the project names are the same as the artifact ID.
> This is in fact not the case.
It should be the case, and is for me. What is it for you, and have you
any idea why it's different?
The project dependency in cache-ehcache, for example, is created as
depending on 'hibernate-core' and 'hibernate-testing'. The physical
directories that these projects are located in are 'core' and 'testing'
respectively. When I remove the errant project deps and open the dialog
to re-add them, I'm given 'core' and 'testing' as possibilities and
those work fine.
No I sure don't know why they're different, hence this email :)
I don't know why maven would assume a project is named after its
directory and not its artifactId. I can tell you this was not a problem
in the earlier days when 3.3 was trunk. I wonder what changed?
Have you built recently? I'm using Maven 2.0.8-SNAPSHOT...will try with