I am personally against this idea. You mention renaming one single
class, but in reality we would need different FQNs for each and every
class otherwise we run into a clash in the class loader as to which one
wins (the one from hibernate4 jar or the one from hibernate3 jar).
This is a bad path to start down.
As an illustration, we had the same issue with JBoss Cache for some
time and we simply had 2 sub-projects, one for each version. Which in
my mind is the perfectly reasonable approach.
On Fri 15 Jul 2011 08:55:23 AM CDT, Scott Marlow wrote:
If someone wanted to include both Hibernate 3 + Hibernate 4 in the
project, that might be easier if the Hibernate 4 artifacts had a version
number in it or was changed for every new major release. I don't think
Maven supports building two versions of the same artifact (at the same
dependency level).
For the persistence provider name,
org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence, I'm wondering if we could have a
org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence4 in addition, that could be used
to uniquely reference Hibernate 4.x persistence providers.
I assume this is too late in the Hibernate 4 cycle to change, but wanted
to bring the idea up.
Changing the artifact names would impact other projects that depends on
Hibernate4 and would need to sync up with the changes as well.
What do you think?
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